Chapter Eight : Risqué

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Warnings : Smut

Two unpleasant weeks had passed since Louis stopped the suppressants and the fact that this whole ordeal was torture did little to uplift his spirits. But, Louis bore it with a shrug and since he did so, he was ordered to confine himself to the King's quarters with a number of Omegas tending to his beck and call, although the Omega had asked Harry to not to do so.

As of now Louis' health had improved from the after-effects of his suppressants and the only thing he could wait for now was his heat.

"Lou?" Niall called out, as soon as he entered the chambers. "Goddamn, you smell so good!"

Louis turned his person towards the Omega and smiled at the given compliment, "Thank you."

"Harry's going to ravish you, I'm already telling." Zayn followed him and sat on the bed which caused a blush to bloom on Louis' cheeks, as he accompanied the omega on his bed and began to peel the fruits he had on his plate.

"We've had sex before," Louis shrugged, calming the speed of his heartbeats.

"But that isn't significant is it, Your Highness?" A foreign voice descended inside. He saw the elderly seer enter the chambers with her staff guiding her and two Omegas following her.

"You are mating with him today. Forming a soul bond with him, summoning Old Magic that doesn't happen everyday does it?"

Louis quietly shook his hand in negation to the given question and discarded his fruits to give his attention to the Royal Seer. "You have a prediction for me or the Alpha?"

The woman's aquamarine met Louis' own colours and her thin lips lifted into a gentle smile, None. But I would recommend your Alpha to pay attention to the people around him."

"There are many people thirsty for his blood," she warned him with a raise of her arched eyebrow.

Louis smiled at her, a genuine smile, "As long as I am alive that's not something the Alpha needs to worry about."

"Of course, of course," she shook her head in agreement and in acknowledgement of what had been said.

The seer strolled around the chambers, inspecting every corner and inch of it and shook her head, as she noticed the moon appearing into the slowly darkening sky which was curtained by the aluminium clouds. Before she could even tell a word to Louis, the man clutched his abdomen and lurched forward, shutting his eyes in absolute pain causing the entirety of the chambers to plunge on the man.

In the next few minutes, Louis couldn't comprehend whatever occurred. His skin flared up like molten lead burning every inch; nothing was relieving him from the burdening pain. As he writhed in the sheets with tears fogging his eyes, he muttered, "Harry."

The mutters grew into a chant which he had to bite back down due to the number of people present around him. Strangling the urge to shed tears, he just hoped Harry would find him quickly which the Alpha did.

Ordering everybody to leave the quarters and giving a few additional instructions to Niall before the doors squeezed shut, leaving the Alpha and Omega to one another's presence.

The Alpha approached the whimpering omega and loomed over him, placing kisses all over his burning skin making the man moan in satisfaction. "Let's get you out of this sweetheart," the Alpha nudged, inhaling the sweet smell which persisted in the air. Manoeuvring him onto his lap, he quickly discarded the thin material the Omega wore and undressed shortly, keeping in check his lips that continued to kiss the Omega's and did so diligently.

Running his hand down Louis' thighs, he began stroking the hardness which lay between his legs; a series of deep breaths followed his actions, nudging a deep sense of satisfaction in Harry. He could dismantle the Omega's sense with just a few strokes, if he did an attempt on what he had planned, Louis would shred into pieces due to the pleasure. The Omega writhed while perched on Harry's thighs, low whimpers escaping his lips and muffling a few loving words into the Alpha's throat.

It didn't take a lot of coaxing from Harry to make him come, a few strokes over his cock and the Omega climaxed immediately. He felt Louis' hot and quick breath on his skin and the pace of the Omega's heart could be felt into his own chest. Not waiting any longer for Louis to relax further, the Alpha moved his hands behind Louis' lower back, grabbing softly the warm skin, a deep groan eliciting from his mouth at the feeling.

The Alpha ghosted his fingers over his Omega's hole, while he turned Louis' face and smashed their lips together, carefully exploring his soon to be mate's mouth, discovering every cavern with an urgent need. His middle finger rubbed against Louis' hole in a tantalizing fashion, initiating the Omega to rub his hips against the small touch he received. Harry smirked at the reaction and put the Omega back on the bed who grunted at the loss of contact.

Harry pinned him down and lowered himself to the spot his omega was the most vulnerable. He marvelled at the view, Louis' thick thighs spread in front of him, inviting his Alpha to his most private part. Without any hesitation, Harry lapped up the leaking entrance, his chest vibrating with pride in earning those kinds of moans from his mate. Louis let out a squeal of satisfaction at the occurrence, squirming in his position with moans emanating from his throat due to which Harry's grip was made more firm on the Omega's hands, keeping him in place. Licking the rim of muscles, he placed a kiss on the witness, allowing the sweet poison to reside on his lips. Although sex had persisted tirelessly between the two of them, Harry had never gone down on the man, Louis had insisted not to but at this point, he felt like punishing the warrior for his request of keeping him away from what was rightfully his.

Devouring the taste of his omega who pushed his cheeks further to the Alpha, the man just smirked at the action and dived in, licking a thick stripe against the pool of ambrosia which clenched under the alpha's attention, releasing more of the delicious nectar which was being licked and drunk by his Alpha, resulting in an orgasm causing loud cries of pleasure from the throat of the submissive. Steering his attention away from his hole, he planted light kisses on the insides of his soft thighs, nibbling on the skin which came in contact with his lips, he heard Louis' breathing grow more hoarse. Harry knew he was attempting to strangle the moans but the more he did it, the more the Emperor teased him. Finally, he began moaning loudly at the ministration, stumbling a few words out which were very incoherent.

"Repeat that, love."

Lips shiny and strawberry-red from being bitten repeatedly, the Omega let out with a whimper, "Alpha... knot..."

Grinning at the deplorable state of his Omega, he proceeded to have some entertainment, as he innocently voiced out, Want my knot?"

"Need...your...knot!" He exclaimed writhing while Harry lined a trail of kisses up his spine whilst his fingers dug back into the crack of Louis' cheeks. He pressed them teasingly at the rim which initiated the Omega to gyrate his hips against the fingers, moans becoming louder with each second that passed.

As he progressed up Louis' back, he was thrown to the bed with his Omega on top of him. Heaving in desperation, he could see the wanting in his watery pools while they looked at him with intrepid desire and roaring, "I want. Your knot. Now!" The former beta demanded with conviction, "No teasing! Fill me up! Mark me! Mate me!"

Saying Harry was pleased by the outburst was an understatement, as the words gently stroked his Alpha ego which was certainly going to mark and mate him and assuredly fill him up with his children. He loved it when Louis was brash and bold; something about that caused ripples of excitement surge through his body and right now, with Louis' person on top of him - commanding him to give him what he deserved - made him feel blissful.

Growling in approval of the initiative, he kissed the man in assurance, "Gonna do all of that to you, gonna make you mine! Every single soul of this empire will know that!" He professed.

Taunting him with a raise of his eyebrows, as his ocean eyes stared down at him, Well, then do it! How long are you going to wait? Another six years?"

Growling at the response, he pulled the man closer and crashed their lips, allowing him to carefully scrutinize the taste of his Omega to mark him as his territory, very soon. He felt Louis lose control during the kiss, and  Harry knew he couldn't stay any longer without feeling the inviting heat of his lover. He stroked his cock at the Omega's entrance, lathering it further with slick before he lined up his length with the hole and roughly pushed it inside. The push of his hips made Louis squeal in elation, inducing a wave of satisfaction in the Omega at the fulfilment of his wishes thereby letting his cock swell up at its fullest.

No sooner did Harry fastened the pace of his thrusts, Louis' eyes slammed shut in anticipation of the knot of his alpha which would bond him to the man. Harry moved with vigour, his face resting over his Omega's neck, roaming it with his tongue and filling his senses with Louis' delicious taste.

"You're my most precious treasure. Nothing and no one will ever compare to you," Harry said as he rammed himself as hard as he could into his submissive, before spilling his seed into the caverns of Louis' hole which fostered a breathtaking orgasm.

The world stopped before Louis' eyes, as he simultaneously came with his Alpha. The warmth sprayed in the caves of his insides with a feeling of numbness cascading over him, nudging him onto the pinnacle of exultation which he hadn't quite reached.

While Louis' head continued its journey to the apex of pleasure, he was rudely drawn out of it when Harry pulled him and ploughed his sharp canines through Louis' epidermis on his neck, flooding his tongue with the pheromones, emitting a high pitched scream from the Omega at the mating, ensuring the echoes of it reached everybody who resided in the skies and on earth to make them aware that the stars knit themselves to witness the mating ritual.

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