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It had been seven months since the King had been gifted children and there was nothing except happiness on his face due to one fact, he was happy. He was ecstatic. Although he had been away for some time from his family, the fact that he had one brought him a sense of belonging which he never expected to feel through his life.

After the battle in which Louis conquered Vistara, they had resided in Diety for about eight weeks before they returned to Mischelin. Louis insisted that even though Diety possessed everything, it did not have the Lumen Chambers which were very close to his heart and wouldn't trade them for the world and whatsoever Louis wished, happened because he was the apple of his mate's eyes.

Which was why he resided in the Lumen chambers and was tending to his children waiting impatiently for his heat to hit. Their bond had still been severed, it was still broken and apparently, only his heat could fix it which did not really want to arrive.

Louis sighed in disappointment, as another day went ahead without his heat. "Good Afternoon, Your Majesty," a familiar voice greeted when he turned to see Reus who looked clearly tired, "Good Afternoon, Reus."

"I just wanted to talk," he sighed and took a seat on the floor beside Louis, near their very inbuilt pond which also offered a swing in the middle of it.

While they spoke of Reus' ongoing war with Nick's resilience, Louis felt himself heating up with warmth coursing through his cheeks and flooding up his body as if he was literally on fire. "Are you all right, Your Highness?" Came a worried Reus' concern, as he held Louis' hand and smelt the strong scent of sweetness. Curling up into a ball on the cold marble floor screaming, "Harry!"

Without a second thought, he picked Louis up and laid him on the bed, "I'll inform the King immediately." He said running out of the chambers to fetch the man who just entered the hallway.

"Your Highness. Your Omega, he is in heat!" He informed.

"Yes, I could smell it." Harry answered, nodding his head. "Reus, could you also inform Liam, no Zayn's heat started yesterday," he dismissed and then looked, "tell Nick to execute the security for this wing."

"Sure, Your Majesty." He answered and went his way to find Nick who was lounging with the other Alphas of the palace in the gardens.

"Nick," he called out when the hazel-eyed man looked at him condescendingly, "Omega Louis is in heat, the Emperor asked me to tell you to execute the security plan for the Lumen wing."

Nick excused himself and walked away from his group, letting Reus follow him, as he gave out a few orders here and there, letting the beta guards flow onto the last floor of the palace.

"Why are you still here? Your duty was to tell me and that's over." He snapped at Reus which made the recently discovered Omega gulp.

"I'll leave then." He mumbled back but before he could leave, he turned back to face Nick and held his wrist, drawing the Alpha's attention and leading him to a secluded corner, "If you really do want to reject me then tell it to my face instead, I'll stop bothering you. I'm tired of drawing up the fantasy for months that you'll accept me as a mate." He spat out, panting with tears in his eyes, face flushing red.

"Are you running a fever?" Nick asked stepping closer when he felt the strong smell of heat, widening his eyes in realisation.

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