Chapter Three : Ruthless

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It had been two weeks since Louis had stepped back into the battlefield. The war had been very diverse from what had been experienced in the sands of Reginae. The grounds of Khara had been exceptionally kind and the breeze always gentled the fury of the sun unlike Reginae. That being the prime reason Louis did not mind the province with an exception of the fact that Qair had been his motherland, adding on more thrust on his shoulders to snatch his Qair away from the incompetent heirs of the throne of Khara, regardless of the pain she always gave him.

It hadn't been a very rough journey for him to capture Qair, though Reus would actively like to object on that fact. They had befriended and formed an alliance with two of the five brothers of the heirs to the throne of Qair. The King of Khara, Ian had five children who were contending for the throne, the oldest being Mead, twins namely Kane and Abel followed by Linnaeus and Paul. The twins had proposed to fuse their armies and fight against their brothers for the throne. They had stealthily agreed to serve under the rule of Styles bloodline if they received the direct ownership of Khara.

Louis had thought for a very brief time period and agreed to form an alliance with the Alpha twins which was most definitely irksome because the two dunderheads were void of battle strategy. Being an omega brought him the indefinite amount of patience but to not throw it away and just plunge into their necks was another trial by itself. Not to mention the Alpha superiority complex which was inherited and not earned. Due to this an additional responsibility had befallen on Louis' shoulders, making sure they didn't lurk around Zayn whose Alpha mate was assuredly not present with them.

After two weeks of incalculable tolerance, planning and execution, the battle had been won by Louis' side. Of course, the Alphas had said proclaimed it had been due to their persistence and leadership which Louis promptly ignored.

On the closure of the task, he immediately wrote a brief letter to Harry regarding the war and asked to send enforcements for Zayn's protection who would be arriving few days ahead of the army. The fact that Zayn was omega was definitely not the reason for asking him to return to Mischelin. The Alpha twins had been particularly disrespectful towards the Omega and had even implied that Omegas were supposed to be dolled up and bred unlike the efficient soldier who had served impeccably for so many wars and was still willing to deliver the same with untarnished perfection. He had then sent Zayn and Triton, another responsible beta commander with a bunch of guards to convey the message they had won and narrated the other minute details which could obviously not be communicated on paper.

After Zayn's departure, Louis headed to his tent where he was getting dressed to meet the twins for dinner to execute his plan on their extermination while dinner proceeded in the camps.

Dressing up, he put on dark grey robes and moved to his chest where his belongings were kept. Interestingly, Harry's perfume and his own scent on the dark blue robes had lingered on the box of essentials for an extensive time period which pleased Louis to no measure. His scent calmed him and he had tried his best to keep bits and pieces of the smell on him.

While he was finding solace in the absent Alpha's smell another unwanted presence invaded his tent. Kane. His senses told him that. Shutting his chest of clothes, he strolled to the mirror to see himself and normalise his stance when he entered.

"Alpha Kane, what a pleasant surprise," he mumbled, evidently disinterested.

The sturdy man sauntered to him and wrapped his arms Louis' waist, "May I know what exactly are you trying to do?!" He demanded as he struggled against his grip.

"You're very pretty for a beta." He whispered into his ears. "Not to mention the rumours of Styles' personal whore who is apparently not only beta but also a man."

Pushing him away with all the force his body could muster but Kane shoved him back into his arms. Kissing his neck forcefully, he began to inhale his scent, bringing a violent reaction from the beta. He immediately removed the dagger concealed in his sleeves and plunged it ruthlessly into his side a few times, locking his head with the aid of his arm and plunging it into the floor, knocking him unconscious.

Grabbing the ropes, he generally kept under his sleeping arrangements, he gagged the man after tying him up.

"Now stay like this until I finish your brother off, asshole." Louis spat rolling his eyes and ordering men, particularly Alpha soldiers to guard the tent and restrain him if any discomfort occurs.

Before walking over to Abel's tent, he had retrieved two goblets and a bottle of fine wine from his belongings.

Greeting Abel, as soon as he reached the tent, he was warmly invited into the place for dinner which would shortly be served while the twin asked if he had seen his sibling, Louis innocently replied in negation.

"Until Alpha Kane arrives we can entertain ourselves with this fine wine from Reginae here," the beta smiled and offered the man the goblet.

Abel's blue eyes were screaming with scepticism, "Why don't you have a sip first Tomlinson?"

Shaking his head comically at the unconvinced nature of the older Alpha, he chuckled, "I really don't know why people of Qair are so distrustful." With that, he took a sip from his goblet and shrugged. "Fair enough?"

Abel conceded and took a sip from his own goblet to which Louis placed his chin on his palm and looked amusedly at him. "You know?" He mused looking with intrigue at the alpha.

"I was from Qair," He confessed, "born and raised here until I was probably fourteen."

"Really?" Abel asked genuinely fascinated.


"Why'd you leave?" He questioned.

"My parents were assassinated, you see," he explained with his hands gesturing automatically, "and a group of five Omegas left alone in Qair was a bad idea so I ran away with my siblings."

"Who were your parents?"

"Minister Mark Tomlinson, do you remember him?"

Narrowing his eyebrows as though the name triggered memories, he stayed still for a while, "Yes, he was murdered and his family disappeared." He acknowledged, nodding his head in remembrance and then turned to Louis, "but he had a first-born Omega son."

"Yes, he did." Louis agreed to smirk.

"You're an Omega?!" The prince asked with his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah." Louis replied truthfully, mirth playing in his eyes. "Not many people know, not even the Emperor.

"And why are you telling me this?!" Unsure of Louis' motives, the man enquired.

"Because you wouldn't tell anybody." He answered simply.

To this Abel rose his eyes and begun to laugh hysterically, "You really think I wouldn't use this against you?!" And continued to laugh. "Are you sure you're from Qair?"

"Definitely." Louis reassured with a sinister grin descending on his lips like venom.

"And what is the reason for your confidence?"

"Dead men tell no tales, Abel." He explained.

"What do you-" with that Abel choked blood and white liquid on the table.

"The poison wasn't in the wine, it was in the glass," he smirked looking satisfiability at the man who had stumbled off the chair to choke out more blood. "Oh yeah and I got the poison from the belladonna from your royal gardens," he cackled and knelt beside the struggling man and removed a small knife swiping against his wrists and slashing his throat, "just in case you don't die with the belladonna," he smiled sadistically at the man and rose to leave the dying man alone.

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