Chapter Thirteen : Recall

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Harry had decided to join the others for training sessions which monotonously took place in the early hours of the morning in the vicinity of palace gardens. It had been three months since Louis had healed from the poison of Cedric's arrows who had been killed eventually. As he made his way to the gardens, he bumped into Nick and Liam on the way to his destination.

"Zayn is training Betas and Omegas too!" Liam reasoned immediately.

"And he just wanted to ogle his mate because he already doesn't do that enough!" Nick voiced out with sarcasm dripping from his words and a smirk etched on his face.

"Tells the person who still hasn't mated." Liam snorted while the Emperor just smiled away at their bickering, as they approached the muddy training grounds.

"Anyway, Zayn is just assisting them, not exactly training," Liam verified.

"I'm surprised that you even let him out, he completes his fifth moon cycle today, right?" Nick questioned the commander in chief who nodded his head in agreement. Zayn had been with a child for five months and the completion of the fifth month demanded a celebration in Mischelin which was scheduled for in the evening.

"He insisted, he doesn't wanna leave Louis alone for training because Niall's heat just concluded yesterday and it's a fresh bond so he wasn't sure he'd come." Liam supplied to which the other two Alphas nodded at his reasoning. "Reus was gone for a few days too, he wanted to visit his family Seacyde which is almost three days from here so he made sure, Louis was assisted today."

"Yea, he had mentioned it to me." Nick told Liam to which the Emperor turned towards the black-haired man with his eyebrows raised, Nick, I must ask you," he addressed with a smirk, "what is going on between Reus and you?"

"I'm glad you questioned on that, I was too hesitant to do so." Liam looked at the man and turned towards Nick with a scrutinizing gaze, You both seem awfully close!"

"I wish." Nick sighed, as they overlooked the men and women who had just been disbanded from training while Louis, Niall and Reus were goofing around the running tracks, "He is a Beta and I want an Omega."

"I thought you had a thing for Louis at some point," Liam blabbered without realisation and quickly turned to the Emperor to see any flicker of an offence which was absent, he just shrugged.

"I did, for a very brief amount of time," Nick answered honestly.

"And then I threatened him," Harry alternated, "to stay away."

"You threatened him?! When?! Before you mated Louis?!" Liam threw in, distinctly surprised by the development but Nick nodded in adherence of the statement, He did which is why I stayed away and now I find myself enamoured by a Beta again."

"Are you sure he is not Omega?" The brunet questioned, as his reasoning followed, Because after what Louis pulled off, I am beginning to doubt everybody's gender."

"He is a Beta." Nick assured, "I checked his rooms and records, I've met his family for God's sake! He is anything but Omega."

Harry noticed how wistfully Nick looked at Reus, drenching in sweat, his blonde locks, sticking to the sides of his face with his chocolate brown eyes flickered. He was bickering around with Niall and Zayn while agreeing to whatever Louis was saying, He is so- never mind. It's not going to happen and when on earth did he return from Seacyde?"

"You never know what the fates have in store for you." Harry suggested a smile walked to his face, as he reduced the distance between him and his mate.

"You're up so early, Alpha," he said, standing on his toes to kiss his mate.

"Well, miracles tend to occur, Louis." Zayn commented sarcastically.

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