Chapter Fifteen : Risk

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"I do not wish to talk to anybody!" The order resonated through the walls of the Mischelin architecture.

"Louis," Liam made an attempt at appeasing the Royal Omega, it makes no sense for you to accompany Harry in the state you are in."

"Liam," he addressed looking at the man directly, his eyes storming with danger looming over them, I am not asking you to leave as a friend, I am ordering you to leave as the Royal Omega of the Kingdom of Imperium."

Stunned by the usage of the order, Liam left the Lumen chambers which belonged to the Royal Omega, his very own quarters from which he had banished everyone inclusive of his very own mate since the past three days.

On reaching the inner chambers of the council which was being held for the impending war of Vistara which had been declared a few days back but the army had still been stationed in Mischelin instead of starting west for the three-day journey.

No sooner did he enter than Harry turned to Liam to know report he brought back, Whatd he say?"

"He threw me out," Liam huffed with an intonation of annoyance stuck to the voice, told me that he is ordering me not as a friend but as the Royal Omega."

This emanated a sigh from Harry's throat. Louis was being difficult. Very difficult. The war with Vistara was starting in hardly a few days and they were supposed to reach Imperium borders and set camp on the outskirts of Diety which had distinctly not occurred due to his mate's ceaseless nagging to accompany him for war.

Louis was pregnant and had completed his ninth moon cycle two days prior. After Harry had seen how traumatised his Omega was due to the miscarriage when he had fallen ill, he had taken extra precautions to keep both his Omega and his child or children if the case may be, safe. Having consistently insisted on the fact that he'd accompany him for war was giving the Alpha a pressing headache. He had thrown Harry out of his chambers and refused to listen to anyone who has the intentions of pacifying his wishes.

"Your Highness," Grimshaw presented himself before the fellow Alpha,"we need to leave by nightfall or by dawn on tomorrow at the latest," he informed and went on, the messenger has just informed that Raynelle's army has set camp and Alpha Ephraim is threatening to close in towards Diety and plunder it."

Harry turned towards Liam after Nick announced this particular piece of information and pressed his lips into a firm line.

"Your Highness," Nick came forth again, I am aware of your tolerance against your Omega but I must press you to ignore his agitations and tend to your duties."

Harry looked at him and seemed as though he took his words into consideration when another person intervened, Nick, Louis is an Omega and his advice and intuitions have been more useful than most." Zayn retorted immediately.

Nick nodded his head and continued to reply, Tell me, Your Highness," Nick mused, what happened the last time you didn't listen to him?"

"Reginae happened," Harry promptly answered which stilled the waters in the council, collecting an effective unimpressed and unhappy look from everyone.

"I think you should take him along, Your Highness." Nick responded, averting from his previous suggestion as quick as lightening causing Jacques' crystalline eyes turn in fury towards the said alpha.

Harry's eyebrows rose in scepticism, and shook his head in negation to the statement, Its too risky."

"Your Highness," Reus approached, "I think you should talk to him."

"Not with the dissuading innuendo but as to why he doesn't want to let you go alone," he suggested, reason with him."

Harry's eyes receded with resignation, clearly upset with the lack of ideas and quickly diverted the topic to the war, gaining more ideas for any possible battle strategies which were not very useful.

He quickly dismissed the war council after announcing that they were going to leave the following days, as soon as the sun rose and moved back to Louis' quarters.

Hardly did he enter the chambers, Harry's eyes drifted to Louis' sleeping figure which was placed on the floor, his head resting on the pillow which he had dragged from the bed and his hand dipping into the pool of water.

Twitching his eyebrows, he had specifically told Louis to not sleep on the floor but here was his mate, discarding his recommendation. Closing into his mate's space, he picked him up and felt Louis cradle into his chest.

"How many time have I told you not to do that?" He asked the man who had stirred awake but kept his eyes closed.

"Many times," he murmured and put his arms around the alpha who laid him down in his nest.

"And why don't you listen to me?" He asked kissing his forehead.

"Because you aren't listening to me." The Omega muttered under his breath and looked up at his Alpha who was seated beside him, peering at him with his soft green eyes.

"Louis," he started slowly but was interjected by the small Omega, You don't understand, I don't want to fight the war, I just want to be with you."

"I know that, Louis." He said kissing his forehead, but you are already so far ahead, you'd have to give birth in one of the war tents and I don't want that."

"Then you don't want to be present for your children's birth?" He asked unreasonably.

"Louis, you do know that I want to but circumstances aren't letting me," he clarified, raking his fingers through his hair but halted at his words, turning to Louis, Why do you not want to stay back in Mischelin?"

"Because I want to see him dead," Louis responded with fury descending on his face, Louis' lively blue had turned into stagnant cold ice, He took away my dignity alongside Ryan, I want to be present when he is stripped off too."

He picked himself up and put his arms around the Emperor, kissing his jaw, "I haven't asked you anything, Harry, I need this one thing. I deserve this." And that initiated him to start crying on his Alpha's shoulders who knitted his eyebrows in worry at his Omega's distress. Instinctively, he began to rub his back in an attempt to calm him.

"Please?" Louis requested and Harry sighed, he knew it was a battle lost.

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