Chapter Six : Recitation

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When Harry arrived at his enormous room, he noticed Louis was still asleep. In his room. The room he shared with nobody but himself. Even Elisa wasn't allowed to let her presence persist in the cream walls which adorned his colossal room. The pastel coloured room had elaborate windows which ran over the city on one side and the orchards of the palace on the other. Lovely maroon tapestry, the colour of the week, probably, accompanied with scintillating gold-plated mirrors all around the right corner of the room.

A wooden table and a bookcase with parchment paper with enough ink and quills. A royal divan towards the other corner alongside burgundy wooden sofas.

Finally in the centre was his circular bed covered with deep red silk covers having a rich gold finish and a dusty yellow, laced canopy almost five feet above the bed gently falling upon the sides which held Louis in its cavern.

Before sauntering to the lovely man, he removed his overcoat and unbuttoned his shirt, freeing himself from the hold of and noticed that there was a healing paste on the bedside table kept by the healers which he had ordered for.

Slipping into his bed, Harry noticed how unconsciously Louis shifted towards him, draping an arm around him, almost as if it belonged there. Now this put him in a fix, he had to change Louis' dressing of the wound and the man was sleeping as though he was dead.

Sighing, he sat up and manoeuvred the man on his lap with his face hooked in his neck. Removing his shirt to expose the wound, Louis still didn't stir even a bit.

He was definitely asleep.

Deciding to go on with applying the paste which caused a hardly noticeable whimper.

"Shhh," he cooed into his ears, "it'll be an alright, sweety."

Letting out another choked whine, Harry quickly applied to the cut. This caused Louis to flutter his eyes open.

"Go back to sleep, it's over." He assured him, rubbing his hair and the Omega just nuzzled his neck in response.

"Your Highness," a guard intervened, "Jacques Clyde would like to see you right now."

"Send him in."

Jacques Clyde was a man of the Reginae and according to legend, Reginae was awarded for the infinite amount of determination and ambition which he certainly possessed. Stealthy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair, the man was truly a native of Reginae. His beauty was definitely enchanting but did not supercede Louis' valour.

"Your Highness," he greeted and turned his eyes towards the position they were in which made him twitch his eyebrow in annoyance, "I needed to talk to you about something consequential."

"Go on," He allowed but noticed the man's discomfort because of his unspoken withstanding rivalry with Louis who was nestled in Harry's arms. On noticing the silence, he added, "Louis is very much asleep."

"My Lord, I don't know how to place this before you," he hesitated.

"Don't worry, tell me."  He said, bathing in Louis' breath which tickled the base of his ear.

"If you'd like to take a mate, I'd be willing to offer myself to you." He spilt out which caused Harry's eyes to rise but he kept himself stoic, not really looking at the other Omega, "That's honourable, Jacques. I respect it." Turning his green gaze towards the man, "But I don't think I would need your assistance."

"Your Highness, I must remind you that your Louis," he spat the name with distaste, "is a beta and your bond with your omega will inevitably overrule your bond with him."

"I'm aware." Harry smiled forcefully, talking his fingers through Louis' hair, "Thank you for your concern Jacques, you can leave now."

"Would you mind asking the guards to ask the chef to send both mine and Louis' lunch here?"

"Of course, Your Highness." He muttered with vexation showing on his face.

As soon as he was gone, Louis' head rose up and turned to Harry, "Should've asked his head."

"Hate him that much, do you?" He asked with a smirk.

"A lot." Louis confirmed.



"Feels a lot like jealousy."

"I should press that its an annoyance."

Which brought out a smile on Harry's face, as he took Louis and pinned him up to the bed. "Are you sure?"

"You're using my wound against me." Louis said, wincing, not able to move his right shoulder blade. "It's not very fair."

"Nothing's fair to remember?" Harry grinned and dived into his neck which made him moan in approval, as he traversed his hands down to his nipples, rubbing them between his fingers while Louis' hands roamed his back and in the blink of an eye, grabbed the knife tied to his waist and pushed Harry beneath him.

"Of course, I remember," he smirked, holding the knife to the Emperor's neck and brushing his lips against the green-eyed man. "Tell me you won't take him or anybody else as an Omega."

A chuckle emanated from Harry's throat amused at the young man's antics. He wasted no time and pushed his head to capture his lips rolling over being over the Beta causing Louis to place his hand on top of the knife's blade to make sure the force which the man exerted didn't tear his flesh, as he engaged in a kiss, jammed between the alpha and his bed.

When he withdrew from the kiss, he looked into those blue canvasses and vowed, "I'll never make a decision which violates you."


He nodded his head in assurance and that was probably the only thing Louis required before he slithered back into the Alpha's arms.

* * *

Louis really couldn't breathe. It was like he was dying to inhale but everybody around him was forcing him to drown. That was what he felt when he entered the court. Everyone was present. All of the eleven of the inner circle members with the other twenty-four officials who were involved in matters governing Mischelin and the majority of Cynthia they had conquered.

Louis was standing a few feet away from the throne, he wasn't a minister. He didn't come into the question of hierarchy, it wasn't his place.

Harry swayed into the court like gentle breeze dressed in periwinkle blue automatically making the men raise in respect to the Alpha's alluring presence, as the raw smell of his dominance, unfiltered, take its space in the room. He looked flawlessly regal. The silks adorned his complexion, perfectly with his hair twisted into a French braid, adorned with the silver crown, studded with deep green emeralds which sat on his head.

The proceedings occurred in a lethargic fashion for a brief amount of time but finally stationed at the question of the Emperor's decision on whether he would take an omega or not.

"I have decided on the discussed topic of your qualms regarding my decision," he addressed formally, "my decision is that I will be taking an omega mate."

The court broke into murmurs of approval and smiles at the said decision which they seemingly thought was appropriate.

Although Louis' eyes didn't leave the alpha, looking seemingly satisfied with the decision made, he was breaking inside. He was going to be torn from the man again, in the same manner in which Jacques had done it for the Queen of Reginae and now wanted an irreplaceable man for himself. His omega wept on the interiors of his flesh but his beta stayed calm on the exterior showing nothing but indifference.

Seeing as Harry hadn't finished yet, the murmurs were interrupted by his voice, "And I have decided on a mate already."

All Louis was looking for was an outlet. To run away to his room and weep aimlessly behind the curtains at the announcement made.

"His or her name, Your Highness?" A minister questioned from the far left.

"Louis Tomlinson."

The name spread a deafening silence in the entire room.

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