Chapter Eighteen : Reality

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Wails surrounded the tent the Emperor resided in with sounds of soothing singing attempting to reduce the continuous crying. Stirring him awake, the Alpha's eyes fluttered open to notice the pale browns of the ceiling of the tepee.

Noticing the Alpha's consciousness arises, a familiar voice called out to the healers who immediately assisted him in sitting up and performed a check on him. "You've got a boon in the form of your mate, Your Highness." The Omega smiled appreciatively, as she gave him some extra medicines and placed it on the bedside table.

Warmth bloomed in his chest when the comment slide through the air. Looking up at the red haired attendant, he questioned, "Where is he?"

"I'm not sure if I am the right person to tell you that, Your Highness." She replied to his query and vowed in respect to retreat. Ill send Commander Niall inside."

When Niall came in, he had a baby in his arms who was wailing consistently while the exasperated Omega tried his best to calm him down. Harry, he is just like you!" The blonde complained, "He probably won't stop until Louis comes by, like you."

Harry chuckled at the annoyed Omega and asked him, Give him to me."

"Is he the Alpha boy?" Harry asked taking the blue-eyed child and kissed his forehead.

"Yes." Niall responded and stared in surprise at how automatically the boy quieted in his father's arms.

"Where are the other children?"

"They've been good to me and thankfully slept as of now." Niall huffed in relief to which Harry nodded.

"Where is my Omega?" He asked with his eyes not leaving the pools of his son while he played with him.

"He has gone to war, Your Highness," Niall answered with a gulp, he knew when to shift between the 'Your Highness' and 'Harry' like the way Liam and Zayn knew too but he was also aware, this particular thing was going to get him into a very elaborate round of questionnaire and that was affirmed when Harry's piercing gaze grilled the commander, What do you mean he has gone to war?"

"Since You and I were injured and knocked out for three days our Omegas took our place," a husky voice clarified, as the other Alpha limped into the chambers.

"They've been going to battle for three days, today is the fourth."

Harry looked at his commander with widened eyes, He has just delivered three children!"

The Alpha in his arms resumed crying at the sudden change of his father's expression who immediately laid him on his shoulder and patted his back to return the boy to a state of calmness.

"We know," Niall muttered slowly, but he wasn't really... anybody."

Harry's eyebrows twitched visibly at the irritation, this wasn't a laughing matter. Louis could lose his life due to the exhaustion. Turning his line of sight to Liam, When did you wake up?"

"Today afternoon." He answered to him, taking a seat on the chair discarded to the side.

"He did make a few odd looking potions and took them." Niall supplied in reference to Louis, in the hope it'll ease the Alpha's worry.

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