Chapter Eleven : Recollection

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Author's note: I need to tell that this flashback is my most favourite one. It's the best piece, I've ever had the pleasure of writing. Although, I should press that this first part few instances of this chapter is inspired from a movie and this chapter is a tribute to that movie because this specific scene inspired me to create this world so I had to put in something from the movie as a tribute and I chose this tiny scene. I hope all of you do understand.

Harry had just aroused from the excuse of sleep, he had received the night prior. He had wanted a healthy sleep for the plan he intended to execute this morn to kill his uncle, the King of Imperium, Royden Richard Styles. He had meticulously organised the entire event for too long for a discrepancy to occur.

There was a knock on the door and a jet black haired soldier walked in his uniform with a smirk adorning his face, "He is on his way, your uncle."

Harry's chuckles resonated vibrantly in his velvet cloaked room which had a woman sprawled on the bed, completely unfazed by her presence.

"Brilliant. How far is he from his impending death?" Harry laughed.

"Half a day, Harry." He replied.

Harry smirked and nodded his head when another man walked into his chambers, "Forgive me for the intrusion, Harry but King Royden is advancing closer to the borders of Demis."

"Zayn informed me, Liam." He acknowledged and saw the brunet flicker his hazel eyes towards the accentuated beauty of the black haired Omega whose olive skin, Harry had strictly abstained from. He disliked Omegas with a passion but he sustained Zayn because of his commitment towards his long-standing friendship with him, not like Zayn himself advanced towards him in that light but one person he did advance towards was Liam, oddly.

They were evidently smitten especially after Zayn had his first heat four years back and their sexual tension was giving him a headache, even though he decided that he would eventually address the topic when the major plot of his conspiracy concluded.

Dismissing the two away, he quickly dressed himself up, knowing that in a matter of a few days, there will probably be a horde of people assisting him for every tiny thing he does because he would be King and that was written by the Gods in his blood that his fate was to govern the entirety of Cynthia, not just Imperium and he knew it.

When the sun had uncharacteristically hidden behind the overwhelming grey clouds which threatened to rain if played with, that was when the Emperor of Imperium, Royden Styles arrived. He was a short man for the traditional Alpha. His stomach wobbling while he traversed and his beard longer since he last saw him which was when he initiated Harry to the City Demis because of the victory he brought from the smaller state of Mylene and warding off the soldiers at the Northern borders where the dry province of Alba Reginae resided.

With his few ministers assisting him, he sauntered into his death trap. Following him were a set of soldiers and, what was that? More like who was that?

Harry's ministrations halted on the figure while his uncle stepped forward to embrace him, "You've done Mischelin great favour, Harry," he addressed and hugged the taller man, "conquering the entire city of Carypt which has the benefit of a port. It will surely bring us prosperity," Harry forced his lips into a smile, waiting for them but which was soon to follow. "But," The expectant conjunction arrived, "why didn't you return to Mischelin with the spoils of the war and the gold you plundered?"

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