Chapter Nine : Ruination

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It had been one entire moon cycle since Harry had been mated to Louis which was the reason on the night of the full moon the entirety of Mischelin had been decorated majestically.

The top of the ancient palace was glimmering under the moonlight, illuminating the surroundings as it rolled down upon the smoothened roof. The fires blazing around the well-crafted architecture which was the base for numerous people dressed in the most expensive silks and brocades man could adorn himself with.

As the chaos of the rituals had concluded by sundown, all that remained was the concluding reception to mark the occasion of the Emperor's acknowledgement of his mate which occurs after the moon has risen into the deep blue sky.

Harry proceeded to his chambers to retrieve his mate who was hopefully dressed by his Omega peers. The well-lit hallways which were adorned with orange lamps on the night when they'd mark the beginning of the brilliance of a new life together, publicly.

On entering the room filled with giggles of the few unmated and mated omegas, probably giving estimations on the prowess of his Alpha in bed which was a perpetual topic of interest amongst omegas. Discussing sex or more specifically, how good the sex is. One of the so few reasons, Omegas genuinely annoyed him.

"I am not telling you anything about our sex life, it's private." Louis' voice told them off.

"Oh come on!" Zayn prodded. "Everyone tells it before the official ceremony, it's Mischelin tradition."

"Zayn," Louis addressed to him with severity in his voice but mirth in his eyes, I read up on what is Mischelin tradition, I'm sure discussing sexual prowess isn't it."

"It's an unofficial tradition!" Niall reasoned immediately which Harry was sure rose doubts in Louis' lightning fast thought process.

"I think you're right." Louis muttered almost sounding convinced and continued, Ill tell you guys everything about it if Harry agrees to let me tell you. Ask his permission and the details are all yours."

This called for a cry of dissatisfaction from the omegas in the room and a chuckle from Harry's throat, as he entered the room, initiating everyone to stand in respect.

"Done?" The Alpha voice resonated in the room, gathering a brilliant smile from his mate who stood in dark blue velvet robes embroidered with black threading smoothening against his black trousers underneath the overcoat and a black ruffled shirt, the outfit fell magically onto Louis' skin like they were made for his robes which perfectly blended with his forest green ones.

"Yes, Your Highness." He said standing before him which caused Harry himself to grin.

"I got you something," he informed turning to one of his guards who brought forth an ornate looking wooden box which Harry beckoned him to open.

On opening the box before him, Louis found a silver crown lined with sapphires, it was a simple design with intricate curves holding the gemstones which would mostly seat themselves on his head.

"Is it to your liking?" Harry asked the Omega, curious to know the little one's thoughts.

He nodded his head and looked up at Harry. His baby blue hues smiling at him, conveying so much more than what his lips could convey in the presence of so many people.

"I wish for you to wear it right now for the reception and every single day from this day forward." Harry expressed and guided him to the mirror, gesturing Louis to sit before the ornate mirror which had solid gold extensions, the King had requested for when he took Louis as his mate by giving the aquamarine man the reason that since the mirror held his reflection, it was also essential that something equally valuable held the mirror, so the gold carved mirror was another unnecessary but endearing gift Louis had received.

Harry placed the delicately shaped crown over Louis' head, descending naturally although the striking silver was contrasting sharply against his chestnut brown hair.

"It is beautiful," Louis appreciated with a smile plastered on his face, looking adoringly at him. "Thank you."

Nodding his head stoically, his face devoid of any expression. Holding his hand out, Now can we leave?"

Louis let out another smile on his face and took the Emperor's hand, kissing the back of it. "Thank you."

"Hmmm." He hummed and bit back on the fondness which was going to spurt on his facial features, if not restrained.

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