Chapter Sixteen : Resurrection

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Warning : Birth scene.

Not really explicit but yeah? It's there.

Diety was the most beautiful city which Harry had the fortune of seeing. He could go to the extent of saying it superseded Mischelin and her winds. The lovely city Diety had been stationed on the shores of river Aryan with a massive fort guarding the borders of Imperium. A few metres away from the fort was where the Royal Army of Imperium had mustered camp and had been engaged in a war with Vistara for about four days and Louis had still not gone into labour.

Louis was staying alongside Harry in the camp where the Alpha had thoughtfully made a lovely nest with all that was available from Diety.

True to his word, Louis didn't take part in the war at all. He just wanted to stay by his mate's side and that's all he did except for sleeping but Harry knew that was only because he was so deep into pregnancy and needed an approximate of twelve to fifteen hours of sleep which hardly gave space to provide any significant help so he stayed restricted to his quarters and was engaged with Niall and Zayn who wasn't taking part in the war, since Zayn had a five months old baby Alpha to take care of and Niall was expecting too so all they did was coddle Louis in their spare time when he was awake.

The war which they were fighting would fulfil their dream of absolute domination over Cynthia but that wasn't the only reason why he was fighting fiercely against Ephraim and his army. He had wounded his Omega in places where he couldn't even touch never mind fix. A part of him which would remain bitter and torn until the coming of eternity.

While the scorching sun began to take leave, enabling the army to pause the war for nightfall and giving the permission for Harry to return to his mate as soon as possible which is what he was waiting for while he slashed his sword through another soldier of Vistara.

Before he knew it, the blow of the trumpets immediately marked the halt of the war. Turning the reins of his horse towards the base camp, he noticed his entire army retreating into the formation they had decided the day before and sauntering back to the tents with perfect coordination alongside their commanders. Their footsteps mentioned that they were approaching the Alpha to report of their side of the war to equip them for the forthcoming strategy discussion when a deafening scream escaped from the war tents, causing Harry to snap his eyes in the direction while he threw away the conversation at hand.

Traversing in haste towards the camp, Harry got down the horse to reduce the proximity between him and his mate's continuous sobs. When he entered the tent the entire place was scrambling with healers with an extra translucent curtain preventing anybody to casually waltz in.

"Harry!" He screamed with whimpers following them shortly. On hearing to this, he swiftly moved into the nest, he had made for his mate who was writhing in pain.

Instinctively, he went to his bedside and knelt down gently running his fingers through his hair, Lou?"

Tears rolling down the sides, Louis was looking devastated, as the contractions continued while Harry muttered words of encouragement which he hoped were helping his mate who was distinctly in pain and being held down by Zayn on one side and Shawn on the other side.

"How long has he been this way?" He questioned Shawn.

"Afternoon." Shawn said with a quickened pace, Your firstborn was not much of pain as much as these two are. They are cleaning him outside the nest."

When he turned back to his mate, Harry had this strange pit like feeling in his stomach telling him that Louis wanted to say something to him because of the way his eyes stilled onto his own but was taken over by the overwhelming pain and chaos around him with his cries magnifying. And out of nowhere another cry accompanied alongside his, simultaneously one after the other and the two remaining Styles' heirs.

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