Chapter Twelve : Revival

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Harry quickly made his way to the last floor where hardly a few guards were present, his haste was worrying Niall but he trusted and followed the Emperor with his group.

Walking past the smooth walls of the ancient palace, they halted before an unknown door which had been newly constructed. The last floor according to Harry had been off limits for a while after the ballroom incident but here he was taking them to where he did not know. Standing before a solid wooden door, Harry began to unlock it with the help of the two Alphas who stood guard.

"Nobody touches anything. Nobody sits on anything especially the swing, Zayn, I am talking to you and no snooping around, Niall, and to answer your question Liam nobody but the constructors of this room and I are aware of its existence." He addressed everybody who was with the exception of Shawn. "I just didn’t mention that the last floor would have this too."

When the doors opened, Niall felt as if his breathing stilled. It was the most beautiful place he had seen in his life.

A scintillation of blue with iridescent light falling everywhere. The room was a word illumination in the flesh. The floor was pure marble with shining walls, the walls pooled into a dome with what he assumed to be a numerous number of mirrors attached to the ceiling and to the linings of the wall. On the extreme ends, there were what seemed like chandeliers but placed on the floor for a reason he did not understand.

As they moved further into the caverns of the place, he noticed the room or whatever it was supposed to be, had a bed, a huge one at that, in fact, an Omega would love that sort of a bed. Colossal, enveloping and from the looks of it, extremely soft and comfortable. Wardrobes scattered around a full-length mirror but what really took his breath away was the structure in the centre of the lovely room. There was a shallow pond carefully architectured in the middle of the room and in that was a swing. Niall assumed that the water was hardly ankle deep or lesser but the positioning of it made the place look more animatedly alive and his eyes were stuck there.

"What is this place, H?" Zayn asked looking around mesmerized by the beauty of the surroundings.

"His gift for the first moon cycle to mark the beginning of our lives as mates." He inhaled and meandered to the closets.

"Construction started two years ago. At that point in time, I didn't know he was an Omega and wondered how to present it to him, finally, when I got an opportunity, this incident took place."

Before anybody could offer their sympathy, the Alpha averted their trajectory.

“Louis had journals," Harry started opening one of the wardrobes, “and according to what he told me, he noted a lot of medicinal discoveries he had made."

"He told me that too." Niall affirmed his suspicion.

"That makes things easier for us, Louis might've figured this thing out." Liam supplied in optimism before he saw Harry remove a stack of journals, thick journals.

"You spoke too fast, Liam." His mate commented causing a short round of chuckles.

"If you find anything irrelevant to his condition, don't read it or read it later, just find the cure first."

"Ahh there won't be anything irrelevant, except for random poetry and sketching." Niall shrugged and handed one journal to everyone.

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