Chapter Two : Return

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Moving from one corner of the majestically decorated room to the other, the man showcased the walk of a lion who was held captive in a cage. He resonated the animal, the curly mane with the well sculpted body and the vengeful green hues while rage was the feature his face had prominence over. The creases on his skin were distinctly revealing his unrest, as though he was waiting for something which was the precise moment when two men clad in golden and blue robes entered the chambers.

"Harry," the man began, as he dismissed the guards from the room, "he'll come back, he didn't run away, he just said that he had a really important emergency to tend to."

"In the middle of the night?" Harry retorted, eyes widening at the Commander in Chief in annoyance, "What was so important that he couldn't wait until morning?!"

Liam sighed and attempted to talk reason to the man once again, "He has mentioned in the letter himself, Harry, that he had an unavoidable circumstance at his hand and he will return in a few days time."

The reiteration of the incident didn't provide him any sort of assurance. The Emperor was still terribly upset that Louis had the audacity to abandon him when he needed him the most. He was yet to apprehend the nature of this emergencywhich superceded his own authority in the man's life.

Your Highness,

I am deeply ashamed of my position at this point in time due to which I have to leave you for twenty nights from today.

An inexorable situation has risen which I need to tend to immediately. I shall return, as soon as the circumstance softens.

Hope you stay safe and protected.


P.S: Please do not send enforcements to search for my location. I will come back in the stipulated time.

"I like the fact he darkened the 'will', it shows how well he knows you, H." An accented voice appreciated.

A glare flashed viciously at the source, "Keep your opinions to yourself, omega." He scowled, noticing the omega who had entered a few moments ago, after Liam.

The blonde smirked at the addressing, the Emperor called him by his designated gender only when they were in the presence of people who were aware the commander was an omega in the guise of a beta or if he was pissed. Probably the latter as of now.

"Harry, he'll be all right." Niall said his voice filled with aplomb. "He isn't a child, he is the most diabolical beta I've ever encountered."

"I don't need a litany of his bravado." Harry barked. "I want him before my eyes."

Liam was vexed by Harry's petulance, he turned to him and very carefully placed down his words, "Harry, you have duties. You can't abandon them, I'll send a few soldiers to look for him."

Thinking for a moment, almost considering the suggestion, the Alpha retreated, "I want him before my eyes."

"Of course, Your Highness." Liam complied and let the man leave, releasing a sigh of relief.

"You really think you'll be able to find him if he doesn't want to be found?" Niall questioned, extremely skeptical at entertaining the thought.

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