Chapter Four : Revelation

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On reaching the Mischelin borders, nightfall had already descended on them, painting the once vermillion sky with the deepest blue to have existed. Splashing drops of celestial bodies over the canvas sky, it almost looked majestic. The crescent phase of the moon ruminated the remaining glory to the blanket which oversaw the affairs of the mortal world.

When they did arrive into the shimmering gold walls of the marble-laden courtroom, a brief announcement with a promise of a celebration which would certainly take place the following day in the palace was given. After which Louis filled up the details of the war to the Emperor and had consequently handed over Kane to Liam, elucidating his behaviour towards Zayn.

"I thought it would be appropriate to bring him here and let Zayn decide his punishment." Louis addressed. "He violated the consent of an Omega and had the audacity to pry on a mated man."

This, by far didn't have any positive effect on Liam who was enraged by the facts presented before him.

The punishment, whose details were still undecided was to occur the following day causing the others to disband for the night which remained.

Without wasting another minute, Louis retired to his own room. He was tired and severely hurt and all he could care for was a few hours of sleep. After reaching his personal chambers, he quickly undressed himself till the torso, allowing the night air to crudely assault his body. There hadn't been any major casualties in the war, not to him at least. But when he had returned to his tent after poisoning Abel, Kane had interestingly freed himself and attacked him from the behind rendering a deep cut across his collarbone into his back. He had tied the wound with a piece of cloth to prevent any blood loss and ridden for two days to Mischelin along with the army. It was taxing at the best but nothing he really couldn't handle. Qair had given him wounds his entire life, this time was no different.

Sauntering to his carefully guarded wooden wardrobe, he hoped that the herbs he had stored hadn't withered off.

Being an omega, initially, even he had been trained in the art of all domestic responsibilities like stitching, cooking, painting and basic healing. Healing, in particular, had latched onto Louis in his younger years at Qair. He had become quite a proficient scholar on medicines by the time, he reached fifteen. Learning both from books and sneaking into the official courses conducted by learned healers, he knew a dozen of medicinal remedies and could identify about twenty-eight different varieties of poison just by the taste and scent. This abundance of knowledge was the reason as to why Louis was well versed and knew how to prepare his own suppressants with the herbs, he personally collected. His suppressants had been made exclusively for him by him and could ward off his heat to just an annual occurrence giving additional benefits of masking his Omega scent with that of a Beta.

Unlocking the wardrobe, he saw the herbs in the jar rotting away, as he removed the other glass boxes with pain relieving balms which had a dense growth of fungus. Drawing his eyebrows into an arch, he sighed at the wasted herbs and balms. Continuing to go through the other boxes which lay, finally he found a paste which was in a condition decent enough.

Sitting on the floor, he began to cut a piece of cloth with his dagger to clean his wound but as soon as the cloth made contact with his skin, his facial features winced.

Cleaning the wound, as the moonlight cascaded around his skin making it scintillate, the wound was still fresh, tart red, almost looking like the slightest difference in pressure would rupture the little healing which was done, although he felt infinitely times better that the cloth didn't rub against his skin.

Continuing to tidy it up, he felt footsteps right behind him, meandering towards him. In the blink of an eye, he took the dagger laying on the side and held it to the intruder's neck while the man's hands draped themselves around his waist.

"Sharp as ever." The Emperor idly commented while the moon reflected its light on the mirror, enabling him to see the man who he devoted his life to.

Ignoring the comment, Louis frowned with his eyebrows furrowing.

"Why do you have the scent of someone's heat on you with Jacques' smell mixed with it?" He questioned.

Harry was oddly satisfied by the smaller boy's source of displeasure but piqued a bit by his forthright demand. Choosing to ignore his misbehaviour, "Apparently, Jacques is an omega and his heat began today," he explained removing the outer robes which shelled him, "he wanted to rope me into spending it with him."

"And?" He prodded.

"I refused, what did you expect me to do?" He questioned back, initiating Louis to lower his dagger and visibly relax at the response he gave.

Averting his gaze, he sat back on the floor to clean his wounds, the gesture was repeated by the King who took the cloth away from Louis' grasp, steering the brunet towards him, manoeuvring him to straddle his person.

Sliding the cloth, clearing the remnant blood which had dried up, Harry put the balm which made Louis layer his legs around the Alpha's torso.

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