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It was hard for Louis to concentrate on the task at hand. His cheeks were glistening from fresh tears that shone against the moonlight, and the sounds of the ocean roared against his ears as his head hung between his shoulders. He tightened his hands against the edge of the wooden canoe that he took days to search for, his knuckles turning white from his grip.

"You deserve better than this, Sam. I'm so sorry," Louis whispered under his breath as he picked his head up and threw his shoulders back.

"God, I shouldn't have left you. Alphas suck, right?" Louis laughed, but it quickly faded when no other laughter accompanied his. "I'm gonna find every last one, and I'm gonna kill them. I swear."

He had to stop himself from continuing. His cheeks were stained and his face was scrunched up from trying to stop any escaping tears. The edges of his eyes were red and he kept his head low in shame, not even bothering to glance at the wrapped up corpse that was lying inside the canoe.

Louis huffed out and continued to drive all his force into moving the canoe forward. The sand around his toes were cold in the night and he wiggled them as he moved to press his back against the wood. He dug his heels into the sand and tried with all his might to move the large object.

"I always thought we were both gonna get taken out by a Hell hound, not some Alpha," Louis felt his blood boil, but it didn't last long for him.

Once he found the canoe halfway in the water, he rested against the edge of the wood and glanced at the corpse of his brother inside. He wanted to see him one last time, to be in his brothers presence before he sent him off. Being with his brother - dead or not - made him feel like he had someone with him, but after today, he was officially going to be all by himself.

Louis' eyes were darker than usual and a puddle of water collected at his waterline. He threw his head back, a large, sobbing whine escaping through his mouth as he tried to hold his emotions in.

"Be brave Louis," he told himself. He positioned himself back against the end of the canoe that still sat in the cold sand, his lips moving in an attempt to whisper words of encouragement. All he needed was one last push.

"If you can't be a damn hero for Sam, be one for yourself."

"Find the strength to give this thing one last push. Come on, Louis."

"You're stronger than this."

With one last push, Louis felt the heaviness lift from his shoulders as the canoe fell swiftly into the water. He tumbled backwards and felt the sand around him bounce at the impact, causing some to get into Louis' mouth and eyes. The canoe rocked before it balanced, and he noticed that there were no waves to drive it back onto the shore.

For the rest of the night it was quiet, and so was Louis as he plopped down onto the sand. His knees hit the ground first, and his bottom fell back onto his heels as strands of his hair dangled into his face. His eyes followed the slow motions of the small boat, and he stayed on the shore until he couldn't face the sight any longer. He picked himself up while scooping a handful of sand, letting it slip through his fingers as he walked, and found a small space between two large rocks. He wedged himself in, having to fit himself into awkward positions before finding a comfortable one, and looked up into the starry night.

He used to always find the sky relaxing, but that night, he couldn't dare stand the sight of it.

Louis closed his eyes to welcome slumber, but instead, he felt a sudden urge to run along the beach. He wanted to scream and yell, to punch the sky and shout names at the heavens above. He wanted to feel the sand between his toes as he ran along in the cold night. He took in what felt like his first breath, one that felt different from any other. It burned his throat in a good way and it felt clearer to breathe, like he had been sucking on a cough drop seconds before.

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