Possible Comeback?

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Hey all! It's been such a wait since I've come back to this book. I think it's been a little over a year? Oops...

Anyways, I might make a comeback with this book; however, I don't remember if I have the documents for this book because I had plotted it in advance. And I also know that some moments are probably cringe, I wholeheartedly don't wanna talk about those parts LMAO.

I may try to attempt to write this book from where it left off or I may try to rewrite it. But I wanna try to get the finished product out there, even if it takes years. I can't promise anything, but I managed to get back into the account and SO MANY of you guys have been asking for an update or sending your sorrows because it wasn't finished and I apologize. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be, or if there will be another one soon.

But I want you guys to know that it's been over a year. I need to find the touch of the story again and go back so it might take some time. I don't know if I even have the plot of the book anymore so I gotta go into some searching with my thousands of emails to find the document, so wish me good luck! And if I can't find the document, I might have to plot the rest of the book from scratch (I do remember some things.)

All in all though, I'm excited to just write this. Even though I know there's some cringe moments in the beginning, but we all go through that with our writing, right? 😅

Anyways, wish me the best!


So I spent an hour or two searching for the documents. I literally had to go through 10+ emails that I have to look for them and couldn't find them at all. However, I was able to boot up my old computer that I wrote this book on and noticed that I was signed into an old email that I don't use anymore. And guess what? The documents are still there and I'm thanking my past self for not deleting them. I wanna cry right now from happiness. 😭

So since the documents are still alive and well and I'm recovering them onto my new computer, I'm super motivated to start writing this again.

So wish me luck again boys and girls.

UPDATE - As of June 6th, I'm currently reading what I have written that way I can get into the feel of things. I have also noticed some spelling mistakes and all that, so I just wanna state that I will most likely be going back into the book when it's done to fix it up. I fixed up some things here and there as I was reading however, and it apparently erases comments when you edit a paragraph so if you commented something but don't see it, that's probably why. 😅

Also this story is on AO3 as well; however, I wish not to post anything there yet until I can get the next chapter written up and edited. So if any of you guys are from there originally or tend to read there instead of Wattpad, I want y'all to know that I will resume the story there as well.

I'm going to keep updating this post but once I post the next chapter (I don't know when that will be up) I will probably delete this "chapter" so it doesn't interrupt the book. Therefore future readers won't be confused.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Yes yes yes I'm still here. It's I think November 30th, and I want to go through and start putting summaries of future chapters in. It'll be one step closer to writing more for me. But don't think that I forgot about you lovelies. So much support is given and I can't stress enough how much it all means to me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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