Blind Faith

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Louis found himself in a daze when he woke up hours later, the sun shinning through the cracks in the only window in the room. It was covered by a large deer hide, keeping the suns rays from attacking his sensitive vision, but leaving just enough room to shine against his uncovered torso, his skin looking smooth and golden under the light. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as his mouth opened wide from a yawn, and his head rolled along the pillow as he tried to cover his mouth with the back of his hand.

He rolled to his right side, but the dull pain had prevented him from continuing trying to move. His hand instantly went to apply pressure to the injury, and when the pain finally stopped to a small throb, Louis attempted once again to throw his legs over the edge of the bed. When no hands came to stop him, that's when he noticed Harry was nowhere around him. He instinctively whined from the sudden acknowledgment of the Alphas lack of presence, and when he realized what he had done, he slowly cursed his inner omega out for getting attached too easily.

"Do not screw me over," Louis told his inner wolf. "I will destroy you."

When his get-his-feet-to-the-edge-of-the-bed mission was accomplished without any striking blow to his side, he took the time to study the room he was in.

Louis could tell he was in a log cabin of sorts. The walls were a deep brown wood and looked unpolished, as if the building was old itself. The room was large and warm, welcoming absolutely anyone, but from the only two scents within the room—his and Harry's—people probably weren't ever allowed in. He noticed that there were no old scents seeping into any of the furniture and with his heightened senses, he could detect months of old scents. Possibly years if he put his mind to it.

And when he did put his mind to it, all other scents stopped at the door to the room. It was just his own new scent, and years of Harry's.

In the far right corner of the room sat two large doors that were currently closed. Above the doorframe sat a large painting of a white wolf standing in the middle of a misty, darkened forest, its eyes glowing a bright blue and taking the attention away from everything else that had been expertly drawn on the canvas. Louis tilted his head at the artwork, his hand coming up to feel the skin underneath his eye as he let out a small laugh.

The color blue was a representation of pure Omegas, and to know that Harry had a painting of one hanging up shouldn't have surprised him. Of course he was going to have one; it was like a kid having a poster of their favorite celebrity hanging in their rooms.

He went back to studying his surroundings. If you were to walk into the room, on the left would be the large bed that Louis was currently sitting on, its location in the middle of the left wall. On either sides were two large wooden logs, and on top of each one sat a silver cast ironed candelabra with five candles, the one in the middle just inches higher than the rest. Not one candle was lit, but Louis was fine with that.

On the right side of the bed—where Louis was—sat a lonely, red velvet wingback chair in the corner of the room, and it was angled directly towards him. When there was nothing else to see, he turned around slowly to the left side of the bed and noticed a large dresser against the wall, the only window in the room resting above it. There was no decor on the dresser besides for a long red runner across it, complimenting the cherry wood it was made of.

Across from the bed sat a gigantic fireplace made of white stone. There were random carvings made in some of the stones, and when Louis moved around, small little glimmers of light twinkled in the dimly lit room, signifying that there were crystals of the sort embedded into the fireplace. There was a small mountain of wood inside with only a hint of a dying fire, and Louis pulled himself up to move closer to the heat. He first had to make his way around a large red velvet couch and a long cherry wood coffee table before he could even come close to the fire.

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