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Louis found himself sitting at the table within the pack meeting house. Liam, Clyde, Harry, and all the others who had a presence at the hanging were surrounding themselves at the table also, their smiles spread from ear to ear and laughter barking loudly in an echo off the stone walls. Jokes and playful arm punches were thrown around as they talked within a small group, leaving Louis to sit alone at the end of the table while he silently twirled water inside of his wooden cup.

There were no words spoken between Louis and anyone else after the death of the Werewolf. His silence spoke words, however, and made the others keep their distance until he was ready to speak.

And despite wanting--and needing--a much needed break to think, Harry still made his way to sit next to Louis. The rest of the group watched as their leader departed from them, his disappearance an obvious one as his powerful aroma shifted spots in the room.

Clyde shook his head in annoyance as he watched Harry claim a seat right next to the Omega. He clenched his jaw angrily and took a swig of his water before looking away to join the rest of the group in their conversation.

Louis' heightened senses caught wind of this irritation within the room and he almost smiled when he realized who it came from. He detected it radiating from where Clyde was currently sitting and surveyed the detail of the man's fingers clenching around his cup as he bit down harshly. Louis didn't even have to ask what was wrong, he knew what was bugging the man; the fact that Harry—his strong leader—was hanging out with Louis more than them.

He would've chuckled loudly but refrained from making the man any more angrier. That was probably the last thing he needed at the moment.

"How are you doing?" Harry asked as soon as he was in his chair, his eyes full of wonder and worry for the Omega.

Louis shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I'm doing better. How about yourself?"

"I'm okay. But I came over here because I'd rather talk about how you feel, not me," Harry stated as he fiddled with his fingers.

He didn't directly look at Louis as he spoke. Instead he stared at the table with hooded eyes and pressed his lips together into a thin line as he flicked small food crumbs off from the table top.

A faint crease found its way between Louis' eyebrows. "Why do you wanna talk about me?"

"Because you're my friend?"

Louis paused from speaking. Harry lifted his head up to advert his attention to Louis, one eyebrow raised and eyes searching the Omegas. Louis' mouth was slightly left open which left Harry amused.

"Why do you look so shocked? We're friends, yeah?" Harry eyed Louis as the Omega smiled and looked down at the table.

"Yeah," Louis felt a chuckle escape from his throat, one that he couldn't help to conceal.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't know. I just..." Louis paused to gather up his thoughts as he continued, "Never thought of us as friends. I always saw it as some sort of a pack member, businesslike bond. But in a way that it's just you helping me become part of the pack."

Harry squinted his eyes at him as he listened to what Louis had to say. When they stayed in silence for a few seconds, Louis broke the quiet space between them as Harry thought to himself.

"Do you get what I'm saying?" Louis queried.

"Yes. And I do agree with you on some part of what you said. I want to help you become part of the pack as quick as possible. But I also find that you have a very likable vibe that's hard to explain," Harry rubbed at his chin as he thought about his next words, his eyes squinted and mouth slightly open.

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