What's Wrong

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"Sasha?" Louis lowered his bow just enough to see her clearly.

She tilted her head to the side to look at him and glanced his body up and down confusingly. Uncertainly was written all over her face as she stumbled forwards a few steps and then back, her balance unsteady and noticeable. Louis took a few steps backwards to keep a longer, secured distance in between them.

Sasha's black hair that use to be long and straight was now a messy mop on top of her head. It stuck out in weird angles and held many large tangles that he could see from where he stood a few feet away. Her freckled face was covered in smeared mud and her black clothing was torn in too many clothes to count. When Louis looked her over once and back at her dark green gaze, he raised the bow up just in case she were to lunge.

When Sasha took a step forward, Louis raised the bow all the way and drew it back in a warning.

"Please don't," Sasha's voice was low and raspy as she pleaded. "I just want to go back home."

Louis turned his head to share a knowing look with Brandy, who was now standing besides Louis while watching the girl.

"Please take me home. I want to see Harry," Sasha pleaded as she stepped even closer.

Louis took a step back while motioning for Brandy to follow in his actions. "We can't."

"And why not?"

"Because you were thrown out. Harry doesn't want you," Brandy answered truthfully. "We can't just take you back because if we did, we'd be thrown out too."

Sasha began shaking her head as she grabbed a clump of her ratted hair. "No no no, you're lying. Harry just made a mistake. He just needs to see me so we can talk it out and he'll take me back. You have to take me back there, please!"

Brandy tapped at Louis' shoulder to get his attention. "We should leave. If she follows us then she'll be stopped at the border."

Brandy looked Sasha up and down once more before he turned away from them. Sasha watched him stalk away before she glared at Louis. She began to square her shoulders and lifted her head, her eyes squinting at Louis in a moment of thought.

"Kill me," Sasha bluntly stated.

Louis scrunched his face in confusion at such a request. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she took a step forward, causing Louis to take one back. "Kill me!"

Louis drew his arrow back in a second warning, his eyes wide and attention alert on the girl in front of him. She was like a wild animal, her teeth and claws bearing to strike Louis any time he'd let his guard down.

"Louis! Don't!" Brandy was next to Louis again. He placed his hand on the Omegas shoulder and urged him back, but Louis didn't budge.

Sasha took a step forward once again, her eyes taunting and smile growing larger at every passing second. Louis was sure she was absolutely crazy.

"Do it Louis, put an arrow right between my eyes," Sasha pointed harshly at the spot between her eyebrows with her thumb.

Brandy began to usher the bow down from Louis' grip and placed an arm around his chest to push him backwards. Louis didn't show any signs of resisting when he was urged away, he didn't want to be in this situation. He didn't want to kill anymore--unless it came to Clyde.

Louis withdrew the arrow and let the bow hang loosely at his side. His expression hardened as he turned around and made his way from the rogue, the smile falling from her face as soon as he turned his back to her. Brandy easily followed suit and jogged to keep up close behind Louis. His footsteps grew closer and his breathing was quickened from the situation, making everything else around them harder to hear.

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