Dagger Of Love

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At this moment in time, of lying in a puddle of his blood stained water, Louis began to wonder why exactly he had decided to claim his new home in Hell hound territory.

Maybe it was because being himself was dangerous when it came to werewolves. Even though Hell hounds were down right terrifying, their size, stamina, and build about ten times those of Louis' kind, they didn't pose as much of a threat to him than werewolves. Who, mind you, were hunting him, trying to kill the last remaining chess piece of the pure Omega bloodline.

Or perhaps it was because with the Hell hounds, they were all accepting of him. He wanted to secretly manipulate his scent to become one of them? They would obliviously embrace him with open arms. He ended up being caught as the pure Omega? He'd still be welcomed comfortably in the pack—he was the key to winning the war, and not to mention, but the only one able to successfully anchor their leaders heart unlike all the past runaway ships.

Whatever his reason was, whether it was blunt to himself or not, he just couldn't help but feel a deep, relaxing comfort in Harry's voice that bounced from above him. Like his voice was made just for Louis, to draw him in and keep him there.

The man was currently still making his way down the steep hill, hidden curses under his breath as he stepped on an unstable rock, causing it to teeter before gravity was forced to clock in to work. Louis watched it stumble from the hill before stopping just feet away from his own foot, the surface of the rock turning a darker gray as it splashed into the water.

"Louis?! Please tell me that didn't hit you," Harry yelled from above, his voice full of worry and frustration.

Louis attempted to shout out from below, but his right side had tensed painfully as he tried to, causing a loud, pained whine to emit loudly into the air. Instead he scrunched his nose up, threw his head back into the shallow water, and let out an irritated whine through gritted teeth. He wanted to hit something as if doing so would transfer all the pain inside him, but he could barely move to do that, just making the urge to scratch at the itch even more unbearable.

When Louis heard a splash of water come from his left, he tilted his head to the right to keep from the sprinkles of water touching his face. The object that penetrated the water, however, wasn't caused by another rock like earlier before. It instead came from two brown boots that made their increasingly speedy way towards Louis, never stopping once until they came close enough to the injuried Omega.

"Oh god, Louis," Harry's voice was now directly above him, his hands hovering just inches from the injury. "How the hell did this happen?"

Louis opened his mouth as he turned his head to look the man in the eyes. "I fell...down a hill." It took him a while to mumble the words, but he had gotten his point across sarcastically. How else did it happen?

Harry rolled his eyes in the moonlight, his hands coming to inspect the wound despite Louis' attempts at pushing him away.

"Knock it off Lou, I'm trying to help you," Harry growled, catching the Omegas wrist and pushing it away gently, both of them completely oblivious to the nickname that escaped his mouth. After a few seconds of Louis pouting and the Alpha inspecting, his green eyes had grown wide with worry. "As much as I hate to say it, but you have to get up and move."

"No," it hurt Louis physically just to say that one word.

"You don't have a choice."

"Then...I'll make...one," Louis struggled, trying to shift his weight. The pain in his side only got worse and Harry was quick to act, stopping him by pushing him down by his shoulders.

"Listen to me. We don't have the right materials here for me to fix this up, and if I remove this dagger, who knows what could happen? It could have punctured something and if that's the case, the dagger lodged into your side is applying enough pressure to prevent any extreme blood loss. Remove the weapon, there's no pressure inside to stop the bleeding," Harry pointed out before quickly adding to the statement. "We need to secure it in place so it doesn't move and cause even more damage."

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