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Louis hasn't seen Harry ever since the incident, or, well, not in the way he hoped.

After Harry had stormed out and Abdul was confirmed to be okay with close examination from both Omegas, Louis had bolted out the cabin door, it's hinges screaming at him to be careful as he flung himself out onto the deck and stopped suddenly at the top of the staircase. He regretted coming out in the heat, but it didn't beat the fact that he had more important things to do as he scanned the grounds in front of him for a tall, dark haired brute retreating from the building they had departed from. But Louis didn't see anyone that matched the description, only a few women here and there carrying small children, the back of their hands wiping at the sweat dressing their forehead. There were only a few men in the area, but they were none that Louis happened to be searching for.

He jumped off the creaking deck, his nose wiggling as he smelled the air to catch the alphas scent, and found himself managing his balance at the bottom step. Once the ground was firmly beneath his feet, he pushed himself across the small, unpopulated area in search of the man he needed answers from.

Even though Louis was fast, Harry was faster, and even with Louis' heightened senses, Harry's aroma was everywhere—fresh or not—and just took him in circles. Never had he failed to track down someone, and even though he tried to follow the freshest scent, today was the day that marked the first time his nose had failed him.

Sadly, he wouldn't find his answers today.

"What I don't get is why?" Louis stated his concerns, the crease between his eyebrows becoming more apparent as he thought deeply.

"Me neither," Niall was quick to agree, his shadow being thrown across the inside of Louis' tipi and haunting the side of it. He stood at the entrance of Louis' make shift home, his body showing signs of exhaustion with slumped shoulders. "Harry and Abdul are great friends too, which makes me even more shocked."

Louis turned his head to his friend, a shocked expression crossing his face as he parted his lips slightly. "I didn't know that?"

Niall let out a small laugh that caught the pure Omegas attention, his lips curled up as he looked at a small woven basket that sat empty in the corner of Louis' tipi. He hadn't any idea what he wanted to put in there. Possibly clothes? "I wouldn't expect you to know that either. It's the first time you see them in a room together and they're fighting like thieves over a bundle of cash—but in this instant, you're the bundle of cash and Abdul is the thief that's not really a thief, just happened to be there at the wrong time."

"Thanks for the comparison Niall. But I got a serious question here," Louis threw himself back on his bed, the feeling of the fur pelt that he uses as a blanket tickling his skin. "What do we do now?"

"No, it's not we. It's you," Niall told him quickly.

Louis brought his head up, his eyes searching for his friend at the entrance of his tipi while trying to support his neck with his hand. At Niall's statement, Louis felt a sudden sadness creep into him, making him pout without noticing as he looked at Niall's sudden change to a guilty expression. To the pure Omega, he took it as a sign that he was just by himself in this one, and he didn't like the fact that his only friend just admitted to him that he doesn't have his back. If something like this happened to Niall, you'd be damn sure that Louis would be right next to him, helping the man fight his fight. Together.

"I mean, I'll help you, yes. I'll help you with cooking, hunting, and all that jazz, but there is no way that I'm helping when it comes to Harry. That man can squash me like a bug if he wanted, and by what happened today, I'm honestly sorta afraid to even stand next to you, Louis," Niall held his hands up as if an invincible man had drawn his gun and pointed it straight at him, his eyes wide and body tense at what he admitted to the pure Omega.

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