To Become A Hunter

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Louis was having trouble with putting his chest pad piece on. He hadn't worn it the first time he was out on his only hunt and neither had anyone else for that matter, but when he stormed into the Hunting House to retrieve his bow and arrow, Harry quickly stopped him from walking back out.

"I think you're forgetting something," Harry stated before he blocked Louis from the exit.

Louis stopped abruptly, his chest almost hitting Harry's, and looked around the room with a quizzical stare. He didn't see anything that he missed, so he wasn't sure as to why exactly he was being prevented from leaving?

Louis sounded confused as he looked down at his bow and his case of arrows. "What do you mean? I'm not missing anything?"

"What did you take with you on your first hunt?" Harry inquired as he lifted one of his eyebrow's and crossed his arms over his chest. Louis felt like he was being interrogated by the Alpha.

He squinted his eyes at Harry before blinking blankly. "Uh, this?" he lifted his weapons.

Harry stared blankly back. "Wait, seriously? Nothing else?"

Louis steadily shook his head. "I've only been on one hunt and this is all I've taken with me. Is there something I'm actually missing or are you just messing with me?"

Harry didn't answer as he moved around Louis and stalked over to a corner of the room. Louis watched him in wonder as he retrieved something from a bin, and when the Alpha held up what looked like a chest pad, Louis felt perplexed at what it was.

The chest piece was a rough leather guard in the shape of an X that extended over the shoulders and under the ribs. In the middle were two pockets for small throwing knives, and on the back of the chest piece was a small clip that kept any additional arrow cases in place.

"You're suppose to be wearing chest pieces," Harry stated before making his way over to Louis. "Put the bow and arrows down."

Louis did as followed without question. When he stood back up to come face to face with Harry, the Alpha threw his hands up over Louis and brought the pad down carefully over his head. Louis felt weird with it on, like he had unneeded extra weights put over his chest to weigh him down. He deemed them unnecessary.

"How does it feel?" Harry asked before flicking his hands up in a motion to get Louis to lift his arms.

Louis brought his arms up and turned to watch as Harry guided his hands to two leather strings at his side. He began to quickly tie them.

"It kinda feels like I'm being hugged," Louis said truthfully.

Harry chuckled at Louis' answer as he finished tying the first side and then moved to the other. Louis dropped one of his arms and watched as Harry double knotted the second lace under his ribs. When he was done, Meesha had walked up to the entrance of the Hunting House as if on cue.

He stood awkwardly in the door way, his hands tangled in front of him and smile quivering from trying to hold in his emotions--which Louis guessed was mostly made of fear and worry from messing up. Louis could see him visibility shaking, and once Harry turned around to give him a knowingly glance that lasted only a second, his smile faltered and he gulped loud enough for Louis' ears to pick up on.

"Meesha, right?" Harry asked as he grabbed another chest pad from the bin.

"Yes, sir," Meesha nodded his head.

"Great. Put this on and sit down," Harry quickly threw the chest piece at Meesha before motioning to the table. "We need to have a chat first."

Louis smiled at Meesha kindly, his intentions to calm the blond man as he slowly took a step forward to enter into the house. Meesha looked down at his gear with wide eyes, his expression dressed in confusion as he turned the piece in his hands. Louis chuckled under his breath at the man's reaction, for his must've been the same as well.

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