Leader Styles

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Niall and Louis stood at the bottom of a large staircase, their eyes looking up and into a space where two wooden doors were propped open. Louis recognized the place as a church; one that looked freshly painted white and with brown tinted windows. The staircase had three large steps leading up to the doors, and on either side, tall bushes of grass stood up to the same height as Louis' own waist.

"Hear them?" Niall asked, turning his head to Louis.

He was in a trance like state. His eyes were focused on the doorframe of the church, body relaxed, mouth hanging open a little.

Through the doors of the church came a wonderful melody, one that Louis never heard before in his years of his life. It sounded angelic, possibly inhuman if you were to ask him. He only heard voices, many voices, and soft music to accompany them, but there was no words within the song itself. Just men and women singing their hearts out with angelic tunes.

"They sound so well and I haven't even seen them," Louis was swelling with anticipation to go inside.

"Yes, well, Styles usually spends his time in here. I'm sure you can sit and listen when I'm speaking to him," Niall said as he began his trek up the staircase.



"Niall," Louis looked up at the Omega, their blue eyes meeting each other. "What if he won't accept me into the pack?"

"Oh, what are you about to go on about? He accepts anything that doesn't smell like a werewolf," Niall said matter-of-factly.

"Except for the pure Omega."

"Well, yes, but that's the only exception that Styles would make."

Louis took a step closer to Niall. "If he was to find it...what would he do to it?"

Niall crossed his arms and leaned against the railing of the church steps. His gaze pierced Louis, his eyes searching the pure Omegas for a sign of distress - something that was radiating off him ever since mentioning the pack leader.

"Mate with it? Bond with it? Breed with it?" Niall shrugged his shoulders. "But you see, Styles has a mate. They haven't bonded yet and everyone thinks that it won't happen either, too many people have tried to get him to settle down a bit, to enjoy his life and focus more on his pack, but they clearly got nowhere."

Niall paused to let out a sigh, his stomach rumbling in the process before he continued with what he was saying. "The man's too focused on the pure Omega to let others get the best of him. So yeah, I think he's trying to save himself for when we find it. The man's got patience, I give him that."

"He has a mate?" Louis felt a tinge of jealousy soar in his character. Out of all the things Niall said, his mind focused on that bit.

He hasn't even meet the man and here he stood, feeling feelings that he's sure he never felt before. Emotions that he doesn't like.

Niall shook his head. "She's from another Hell hound pack in the South and her father, who's the leader, is about to pass away. He's gettin' there. Styles agreed to take her in as a mate, but we all know what happens - it's not the first time, and probably not the last."

"What will he do to her?"

"He'll bring her to their bonding ceremony, which is when her father will give his land out to Styles, and when the time comes afterwards to seal them together as one, he'll throw the poor soul out into the wildness without a thought of thinking that it's the wrong thing to do. Then he'll probably slit her fathers throat and that'll be the end of it."

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