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When Louis found what they call the Scouting House—he wasn't proud that he had to ask over two strangers where it was—he felt like he wanted to topple over in joy and just forget about everything. The work he put into his arms while wandering around the whole pack camp while searching made him just want to drop, and with it being the end of July, it still consisted of hot weather and, oh, did he forgot to mention hot weather?

This time there were no stairs or log cabins in front of him. Instead sat what looked like a clochán hut. It was a large cone shaped structure made from small brown and gray stones, an archway right smack dab in the middle of it without any door. That was basically it for the structure, there wasn't much to the hut, and if he was being honest, it looked like it had potential for an upgrade. But again, there was nothing to upgrade, which explained how basic the small building was.

And despite its size, there were large evergreen trees surrounding the small stone house and blocking it from view of the trail, but as long as Louis could find it and make his way to it with the crutches, which he could, then he was fine with it.

However, the bad thing was the location, for you could easily get confused, as the house was one of the four buildings in the little dead end of the trail where it was situated. There was the Scouting House, Hunting House, and the Warrior House that sat in a C-shaped path, and they all looked the exact same if you were to ask Louis. If you were to imagine a little black dot in the middle of the C, that was where a building sat to hold all the pack meetings. All four buildings were made of stone, but the structure in the middle was more like a large stone house with windows and doors, whereas the others only had archways without any doors.

But despite that, Louis couldn't really care much about the architecture at the moment. All he could focus on was the blonde boy standing in the middle of the hut, his back to Louis as he looked down at something on the table inside. He couldn't be very quiet when sneaking up on his friend with the crutches, so he wobbled over with all his weight rested into his wooden support system. They cracked every time he put them back down on the ground and under his weight, which caused Niall to turn his head to look at him. When their eyes meet, Niall raced forward before skidding at the image of his friend in crutches.

"What have ya done, lad?!" Niall yelled in his Irish accent before his nostrils flared as his eyes scanned Louis' shirt. There were no words spoken, but he could tell from the look in Niall's eye that he was questioning the strong scent of Harry on...well...Harry's shirt that Louis was currently wearing, but the Omega kept quiet.

"It's a long story but to sum it up, I fell down a hill," Louis told him before motioning into the stone hut, wishing to change the subject. "What's in there?"

Louis pushed forward to look inside, trying to find as much time to stay around his friend. Niall had a calming, collected vibe that Louis took a liking to, so even an extra ten seconds around the blonde was good, at least compared to being holed up in Harry's room—not that he really minded though.

But then again, Louis had to be careful on time and he still needed to find Liam. He knew he had to make the visit short.

When Louis entered the hut, the heat inside clung to his skin in just a matter of seconds. It seemed hotter within the stone wall barricade, and he groaned silently in protest to the heat hitting him all at once. Louis was an Omega, meaning they were more prone to heat stroke and heat exhaustion than the others, and it also didn't help that he happened to be a Pure Omega, which doubled his chances.

In an attempt to take his mind off the heat, he looked around the hut and took it all in. In the middle sat a large wooden table that had all sorts of materials laid out on it; a map of the territory, small wooden pins, a small vase of red ink and some feathered pens. All along the large back wall was different sorts of black armor, the helmets and the representing stripes from what they were sitting just above. Louis noticed that there were only two helmets with a yellow stripe and he knew one was Niall's, for yellow was the color to represent Omegas. The rest were all mixed of orange and red.

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