Not What It Seems

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Louis stumbled in through the large kitchen entrance and maneuvered his way around all of the almost empty tables. There were around eight or nine people still stirring within the kitchen, their eyes dropping from tiredness and bodies slumped forward over the tables. Louis didn't blame them for being tired though. It was now just past sunset and everyone seemed to be dragging themselves to their nests for a well needed rest.

But since Louis felt somewhat too high on the wait for his friends return and the overload of information from Rwanda, he found himself dragging his feet to the kitchen in search for some food. Since he did happen to recall that the last thing his taste buds celebrated had been the soup from early that day, he was surprised that he hadn't felt hungry all day until now. His stomach was growling like a thunder storm, almost like it was yelling at him for the long wait to be full again.

Louis trekked to the large counter and stood patiently while leaning against the nearest wall, his gaze searching the small amount of people in the kitchen as he awaited for someone to assist him. When a lady came stumbling from the large, wooden doors that flapped as she pushed them open, her smile grew wide and she bounced up to Louis with fake giddy.

"What can I get ya?" she placed her palms against the counter and leaned forward as Louis approached her.

"Well, what do you recommend?" Louis asked softly.

"What do I recommend?" she squished her lips together and looked up as she thought. "At a time like this, I would recommend some corn, perhaps some potatoes to go along with it to."

Louis shook his head yes, not bothered on what he is given--honestly, as long as he gets the food, he's one hundred percent happy--and gave the girl a kind smile. "Yeah, I guess I'll go with that."

"Great! I'll throw an extra biscuit in there for you as well," she returned his smile before disappearing into the back once again, leaving Louis to tiredly stumble back to his spot near the wall.

When she had returned minutes later with a wooden plate full of food and a cup of cold water, Louis thanked her before turning around and picking the nearest seat to the door. If someone that Louis recognized was to return, sitting near the kitchen exit would be the best option for him to reach them as quick as he could.

Plus, the night breeze felt nice as it escaped from outside and drafted the inside. As it brushed against his cheek lightly, he couldn't help but be reminded of a certain Alpha. One that he really wanted to see at the moment.

Just to make sure he was okay.

God, Louis was too far in.

He slowly picked at the corn with his fork, watching as the small yellow specks danced around his plate with each forceful push. Even though he was as hungry as ever, he still couldn't find the strength to bring his utensil up to his mouth. He was exhausted from all the running and panic he had endured within the past hours, and he was sure that he was now looking like everyone else that sat in the seats around him.

He was sure he wasn't feeling this way just minutes before, but maybe taking a seat was what got him to calm down enough to realize how tired he really happened to be.

His eyelids were halfway closed, his cheek was resting carefully on his palm, and his body was slumped forward in a great amount of fatigue. He was sure the food below him was growing colder as each second passed without it being touched, and soon enough, Louis had to force himself to sit upwards from slipping forward onto the table from falling asleep. He shook his head and rubbed at his eyes before blinking them wildly to keep the sleepiness away.

With the sudden slumber making it's way through his veins once again, Louis forced himself to take one lazy bite of the corn and then forced himself to swallow it. In the process of this, he found himself tuning out and listening to the group of four people sitting just a few seats down the table from him.

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