The Fight

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I'm adding songs to the beginnings of each chapter starting from here!


Louis found himself being pulled harshly over his fathers back, his own backside hitting the ground roughly in a quick motion. The impact made the oxygen leave his lungs and his ribs stung in sudden pain from the force. Sam was on the sidelines with his mother, her eyes full of sorrow and guilt as she watched. Louis rolled over while grabbing the side of his ribs, his face scrunched up in pain as his father grabbed him from the back of his shirt collar and pulled him up.

Louis whined in pain while begging for his father to let him go. Both of his small hands found their way around his fathers wrists as his bright, blue eyes glared into his fathers disappointed ones.

"I didn't train you to give up Louis," his father bellowed before pushing Louis back into the dirt.

He fell backwards and scraped his elbow in the process. A puff of loose dirt flew up around him as his shoulder blades hit the ground, sending a stinging sensation up along his entire body as he tried to spit the dirt from his mouth.

"Get up," his father demanded as he paced back and forth in front of his son.

Louis wiped at his broken lip, a smear of blood smudging along his hand as he did so. His blue eyes found his fathers as his breath hitched. It was painful to breath. He was trained everyday, and after the session ended, he had no time to heal before he went at it again hours later.

"Louis! Up!"

He flinched as he attempted to pull himself up. His body was slumped over and a string of drool, which was now stained red from a cut somewhere in his mouth, lingered down his chin.

"I can't do this," Louis managed to whisper, his voice loud enough for his father to hear.

"Louis, when the time comes where you're forced to face something stronger than you, they will not stop when you tell them that," his father warned before slowly raising his fists. "Now come on, let's keep at it."

Louis groaned as he painfully brought his loose fists up in a defensive stance. He didn't feel as if he had the power to continue, for he was so small compared to his father. He wanted to drop from exhaustion, but when he caught a glimpse of his caring mother on the sidelines he felt the little invisible nudge to keep going. But it wasn't much, sadly.

"Tell me, Louis," his father started as he gained his sons attention once again. "If you were to go up against one, do you think you could defend yourself against an Alpha Hell Hound right now?"

Louis shook his head no.

"What about in ten years?"

Louis paused. He couldn't even see himself being alive in the next ten years. "No."

His father laughed, causing Louis to grow confused as he tilted his head. He hated that sound. He absolutely hated it with a passion. It haunted him when he was both awake and asleep.

"Good answer."

Louis felt even more confused. His father always told him he was going to train him to defend for himself. So why the twist of words now?

"What do you mean?" Louis' voice felt broken and weak. "Wouldn't the right answer be yes?"

His father shook his head. "The correct answer is no. I'm not training you to defend yourself from one. I'm training you to kill one."

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