War General

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Harry's voice was mumbled through the door to Louis' room. "Louis, stop moping around."

Louis kept quiet as he placed his pillow over his head and plugged his ears. Ever since they got back from Meesha's failed attempt at becoming a hunter, Louis had holed himself up in his room to isolate his being from Harry.

Not because he was mad that Harry made a decision that he knew would be best, but because he hadn't given the poor lad a chance at improving. He hated it, and he knew that deep down the feeling stemmed from his past. He was never given a chance and he and his family were cast out into the outskirts of loneliness.

"Louis," Harry warned from the other side of the door. "I will kick this down. Don't think I'm joking."

Louis flung his pillow from over his head so Harry could hear him better. "I'm trying to sleep, go away."

"No, I got something important to tell you."

"Tell me in the morning."

"No right now is the perfect time."

Louis rolled his eyes before he moved underneath his covers to get more comfortable. He had no intentions of getting up to unlock the door. He was comfy just the way he was currently.

"Right now is the perfect time to sleep," Louis argued.

He heard Harry groan as he stood impatiently outside the door. Louis could imagine him standing with one hand on the door frame, the other on his hip as he stared down at his crossed feet. He could practically sense him rolling his eyes.

"Louis, you are the most childish person on this planet," Harry ran his hand through his hair before mumbling under his breath. "You have to come out of this room sometime."

"Sometime, but not now," Louis retaliated.

And despite the current situation, Louis may have been envisioning Harry as the pillow he was currently snuggling deeper into. He closed his eyes and laid with a soft smile, his own heartbeat running in his ear, making him picture it as the Alphas instead. He wanted the pillow to be Harry's chest, he wanted to feel the Alpha's long fingers playing with his own soft fawn colored hair, he wanted the feeling of someone's hand brushing along his back in a loving touch.

Footsteps slowly receded away from Louis' door, making him aware that Harry was now gone from outside. A feeling of being punched in the chest overcame Louis as he listened to the faint footsteps. He didn't want him to leave.

But then again, they were in the same house. And Harry's room was right across from his own.

Louis knew that if he ever needed anything, Harry was always there.

Louis was currently sleeping on his stomach with one hand under his pillow and the other on top. The blanket stopped midway to his back and his feet were slightly sticking out from underneath. The draft of an opened window--one he didn't remember was open--let in a cold morning gust of air that tickled his feet and made him squirm.

A cool breeze drifted along the back of his neck, causing him to groan and move just inches away. He expected for it to be a fly, for it was soft and quick, or the wind from the open window, but when the breeze came again and the bed began to dip down right next to him, he slowly opened one eye. He turned his head, his hair messy and spiked from rolling around all night, and saw Harry slightly leaning over him.

"Hi," Harry smiled with both his dimples on display.

Louis raised an eyebrow lazily. "What are you doing?"

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