13 years later

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A new chapter

If there's grammer error leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it

Enjoy the chapter

Before 13 years Paul experience as slave

With Paul

At least five big trucks driving to a big secrecy base for slaves only. The hunters drove in the big building and we to the center of the field. They open the back of their trucks to see pokemon trainer are transformed into stone. "Alright let's get the out but don't unstone them yet because they might try escape and Hunter J wouldn't like that" the one hunter order his people to get them out.

One of the hunters saw Paul from back of the truck. "Hehe looks like we got the 2nd strongest pokemon trainer" The Hunter smirked.

Hunter J came around saw them taking the stone Paul out of the truck. "Be careful around him when he is unstoned he's the strongest one I have caught so keep an eye on him when you are on gaurd" Hunter J told them as she walk away.

While later

All the pokemon trainers include Paul are gathered in a group like a soilder way. Hunter J walked in front of them. "Okay unstone their head but not body" She told her people.

Finally Paul's head for free. "Huh where am i"Paul started to look around to see a lot of pokemon trainers trapped in stone from glass containers over them but heads are free. Paul tried to move his body but couldn't. He looked down at his body still in stone. "I'm guessing you are wondering why you all here" Hunter J spoke through the microphone. All the pokemon trainers even Paul looked at hunter J in front of them.

"You are here to help me build a bunch of pokemon catchers because I need more pokemon and you are going to stay here for ever there's no way to escape this place" Hunter J told them. Paul put a angry face on while the others started to freak out or tell at the Hunter J.

"If you are planing to escape I have made these shock collars it can sense when you are trying to escape or even close to the edge of the courtyard or the exit of the building" Hunter J explained as the crew takes off the class from pokemon trainers to put the collars on them. When they reach to Paul they open the glass container still with body still stoned. They showed him the collar. "You better not put that shock collar on me!" Paul yelled at them. Paul moved his head away from preventing the shock collar on him.

The guarda seem to ignore Paul as they put the collar on him tightly. "Ah the collar is top right can you loosen up" Paul told them. The guards ignored him again and walked to the next person.

"If you guys think you can take off the collar it will shock you back when you try to take it off" Hunter J warned them.

"Another thing I was upset on that I didn't get Ash Ketchum he will be best here but I couldn't find him Oh well I'll find him soon. I need to get going now you all better behave or you'll get a punishment" Hunter J said as she walked off.

"So Ash is not here huh he must be lucky. I miss Dawn" Paul thought with frown on his face.

A gaurd push a button on the remote as chains popped up to chain the pokemon trainers and Paul too. Another guard pushed a different button to undo the stone magic to unstone them. When Paul got released from being stoned. "I can move again" Paul thought. Then each gaurd took a line to pull them towards inside the building.

A min later

Most groups went separate ways. Paul was in the back of the line with different trainers in front of him. Paul starts to see jail cells most of them starts to fill them with trainer wearing orange outfit. "You'll stay in the cell for now and you have to put on the outfits that are in the cell for tomorrow the real work starts you better rest up" The guard told them.

All the trainers are put in cells and lastly Paul finally got pushed in cell with the cuffs off. The door shut behind him. Paul looked around in his cell and he saw the outfit sitting on his old hard bed. He put on the outfit.

Paul sat on his bed to glare at the wall. "I'll get out of this hell soon no matter what it takes" he thought as he still has a angry face on.

Now 13 years later
With Dawn with her baby four year old girl in her daughters room telling her of what happen to her father. "Don't worry mommy when I get older I'll get daddy back because I want you happy again I promise" the four year old lizzie promised her mommy. Dawn has tears in her eyes while smiling at her. "Awe thank you honey if you do please be careful on your journey" as Dawn told her girl as giving her a hug.

"I will mommy I think I'll be fine" Lizzie spoke as she fallen asleep. Dawn gave her a kiss on the forehead as she exited lizzie's room


Lizzie woke up from her dream. "I remember I was so post to find dad when I get older but now I am I have to tell mom" Lizzie thought as she for out of her bed to get dressed. She saw her dad's pokemon laying on her computer desk. She grabed them put it around her waist and walked out of her room.

Down stairs

With Dawn cooking breakfast for her and lizzie. Of course she had cook pokemon food for here and Paul's pokemon. "I think the today that lizzie will tell me that she need to look for her father" Dawn thought with sad face. Dawn hears lizzie running down the stairs and she came in the kitchen. "Hi mom what's for breakfast today" Lizzie asked as she sat on the chair waiting for her food.

Dawn look at lizzie and smile at her. "Today is pancakes" Dawn answered as she put her and lizzie plates down.

"Oooh yummy thank you mom"Lizzie thanked as put out paul's pokemon out to eat their food. Lizzie starts digging in her food.

After breakfast

Lizzie washed her plate and her dad's pokemon watching her. "Hey mom I'm old enough to leave to find dad now I want you to be happy so I was thinking I'm going to leave today" Lizzie told her mother. Dawn stopped drying the dishes and looked at her daughter with sad eyes. "I knew you are going to ask me that some day I guess it's time for me to let you go and I do want to see your father too" Dawn spoke.

Lizzie looks are mother with happy eyes. "Thank you for understanding and I'll call you some time I won't disappoint you" Lizzie promised again. Dawn and lizzie gave each other a hug. "I think you should go pack now and go see professor Rowan you'll need a starter pokemon for your trip" Dawn told her. "Dont worry mom I'll go there anyway but I wanted to use my dad's pokemon since they are strong" As lizzie look at her dad's pokemon with smiles on their faces.

"Okay sweetie" Dawn laughed a little as lizzie ran to her to get packed up.

While later

Lizzir finished packing and went back downstairs to return her dads pokemon back their pokeballs. Dawn came around the corner hold a bag of lunch. "Before you go I made lunch for your journey and please don't forget me" Dawn smiled a little as she gave lizzie the lunch.

Lizzie took the lunch bag. "I need to get going now mom I'll see you soon with dad by my side" Lizzie smiled at her mother again.

"Goodbye don't forget to call me too" As Dawn see lizzie leaving the house.

Half way to professor lab for a pokemon starter

Lizzie was smiling on her way towards the lab. "Don't worry dad I'm coming for you because I really want to know about you and mother is missing you" Lizzie thought as ran more down to town.

I'm sorry it's short I'll try to make it longer

Right now give me a few more days I'll work on the amourshipping story

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