Catching Pokemon

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Hey new chapter

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.


The scene shows Lizzie sleeping peacefully facing the window smiling. The sun peaks through the window so the rays of the sun shines on lizzie's face squinted she turns her self around and goes undercovers.

"Ah finally that sun won't bother me" Lizzie thinked in her head as the door opened. Light feet walks in goes to her one window that has slight sun peaking through her blinds.

The person opens her blinds so more sun will come in. "Alright Lizzie time to get up" Her mother Dawn said as she rips the covers off her.

"Oh cold, cold" Lizzie said with her eyes closed while looking for blanket but couldn't find it. "Come on Lizzie don't you want to catch Pokemon with your father" Dawn said with hands on her hips looking at her sleepy daughter.

"Wait?!, right now what about me getting time to get up" Lizzie said now wide awake looking at her mother as she smiling down at her.

"Oh you can, I still need to wake your father up so far he's the only one sleeping now" Dawn said giggling.

"Dad is still sleeping then why did you wake me up" Lizzie asked crossing narrowed her eyebrows at her mom.

"Your father has been gone for a long time so I let him sleep in that place he was kept in I'm sure they didn't let him sleep at all" Dawn answered as she walked out of the room.

"Alright fine!" Lizzie shout out for her mom letting her know.

"Okay time to get dressed" Lizzie smiled getting out of bed.

In the kitchen

With Dawn scrambling up some eggs as she hears some running coming down the stairs. Dawn turns her head to Lizzie coming down in her normal clothes. "Hey mom what's for breakfast" Lizzie asked.

"Ooh just the usual, like bacon eggs toast well you know" Dawn replied as she turns back to her cooking.

"Well better than cereal" Lizzie said putting her head on the table being bored.

"Hey what's wrong with cereal, cereal can't be that bad" Dawn said as she started getting the table ready.

"Just bored eating it every day" Lizzie said watching her mother.

"If you say so, and why don't you go wake your father now I think its time for him to wake up" Dawn told her Daughter.

"Fine, but am I little to old to wake him up" Lizzie said getting up from her chair. "No, well maybe your not 18 yet are you I guess you can still wake up your dad as a chance like how little girls wake up their dad's" Dawn said smiling at her again.

"Rrright, no thanks I'll just go wake him normal like a normal person" Lizzie said waving away out of the kitchen.

In the hallway upstairs

Lizzie walking in the hallway in thinking mode. "Maybe mom was right i'm still little childless inside, so I should wake up dad like a kid" Lizzie thought smirking went to tiptoe to her parents bedroom.

She slowly opens the door not making a sound and peaks inside to see her dad sleeping on his stomach head to the said with a calm face not attention of waking up.

"Good he's still sleeping" she thought as she tiptoed in and went to her mother's side.

(N/A: okay I'm doing to boruto wake up when he woke up his dad, if you don't know boruto it's a anime series from the Naruto series)

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now