The Building that happen 13 years ago

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Uh Hi new Chapter

I have found another way to update chapters instead waiting for so long I'll try to update on my days off from work.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on side and I'll fix it.

With Lizzie

Lizzie woken up from her hotel that she paid for yesterday. She looks at her self in the mirror with a crazy hair. "Ahhhh my hair" lizzie whispered yelled. She grabs her brush and brushes her long purple hair. "I can't believe I have my dad's hair color I bet people make fun of his purple hair" Lizzie thought while giggling.

Her pokemon woke up to her quite yell to see her brushing her purple hair. They sweat drop thinking of how her mother Dawn wakes up with a messy hair. Lizzie puts her brush down to look at her pokemon waiting for their food. Lizzie quickly gets dressed back in her regular clothes.

"Alright you guys let's go downstairs eat" Lizzie opens her door with the pokemon following her. They made it to the eating area where the food is free.

Lizzie got 6 six bowl with pokemon food for each pokemon. She sets then down by 2 by 2. Then lizzie sees them eating their breakfast and then sje went to get hers.

After breakfast

Lizzie returns her pokemon back in their pokeballs. She makes it to the police station to see Jenny waiting for her. "Ah you have finally made it." Jenny said with a smile.

"Yes I did what are we going to do today" Lizzie said as Jenny starts directing her to a big area with all police officers working in office.

"We are going to do today is doing online search of the bad guys that took your father" Jenny explained.

"That shouldn't be to hard" Lizzie said as Jenny showed her a office with a computer. "This is not your office anyways your just searching things today then tomorrow we are going to the building that happened 14 years ago" Jenny said as Lizzie say down in a chair to face the computer.

"Good because I want to see what's there and what they have left there" Lizzie said as she turns on the computer. "But we did have searched there before we have never found anything, since you did maybe we can find another clue there again" Jenny said leaving Lizzie to do her work.

Lizzie turns on Google search up all the recent enemies that happened long time ago. She saw team rocket the first on list. "Team rocket hmm Ookay" Lizzie thought as she clicks on the website.

The website shows that team rocket is all over the world. All we know they'll always steal pokemon But not trainers. But this certain team of team rocket is always after Ash Ketchum to get his pikachu and his friends pokemon. There name's are Jessie James and a talking mewoth. So far this Ash Ketchum haven't seen them over 13 years. They must have stop following him over the years.

(N/A: I don't know when team rocket stops following Ash. I know is that there still in Sun and moon series.)

"Team rocket has nothing their letter starts TR meaning of Team Rocket" Lizzie has a mad face as she exited that website.

"Even though Ash Ketchum my father's rival he still might have answers for me" Lizzie thought as she sees other websites saying. Team aqua team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Skull. But nothing of PH. "All theses enimes all start with T not P" Lizzie starts to get irritated with the internet.

"There's has to be something" Lizzie starts to scroll down to fast to past this certain website starts with a P. "Wait need to go back" as She goes back to the website saying PH.

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now