Waking Up

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Hey what's up a new chapter for you. Hope you like it. I just realized that I don't do POV because I forget to do POV's.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.


A day has past Paul is still in coma with the family visiting again. Dawn walks in the Paul's hospital room to see a peaceful sleep no chance walking up. She goes up to the sleeping form to grab his hand. "Please wake up" She cried for him.

"Lizzie has been waiting for you to go with her to catch pokemom" Dawn said to the sleeping Paul.

"Actually we both need you" Dawn told him receiving no answer from him.

The door opens to see Lizzie walking in with a small vase with a flower in her hands. "Hey mom I bring some flowers for dad maybe he'll like them" Lizzie said as she puts the case with flowers on a table stand next to the hospital bed.

"Yeah I'm sure he'll like it" Dawn smiles at her daughter.

"So he's not awake yet" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah he's not awake and I don't know how long he'll be in coma" Dawn said looking down sadly.

"It'll be okay mom" Lizzie said hugging her mother. Dawn responds the hug back. "I know it'll be okay and that he's here too" Dawn says.

Next week

Paul still hasn't awoke up and the doctures had to put feeding tubes in him to keep him alive. Dawn hasn't have been sleeping very well because she is too worried about her husband not waking up anytime soon. Lizzie barely eats but still takes care of her father's pokemon and looks after her mother.

With Lizzie making food for all the pokemon. "Alright time to eat" Lizzie told the pokemon as she sets down their pokemon food. The pokemon sat by their food not eating any of it.

"What's the matter why you guys are not eating" Lizzie wondering why they are not eating their food.

They all look at her with sad eyes knowing that lizzie is not eating either. Lizzie sighes figuring out why they are not eating because she was not eating her food her self.

"Okay fine I'll make my self some food if you eat yours too" Lizzie told the pokemon as she walks away to make some of her food of her self.

She went to grab a Apple and walks back out to see all the pokemon eating their food. She takes a bit out of her apple. "Dad I hope you wake up soon, everyone is sad mom is not sleeping well and for me it's hard for me to eat when I'm worried about you" Lizzie thought sadly thinking of her father.

In Paul's mind or as POV

(N/A: I'll try to do my best with POV I'm not good with POV's)

"Its very dark I can't see anything, or what really happen to me, I don't remember anything my life or what I have been doing" I thought to my self.

I look around in a pitch dark room to see nothing but a blank room. Then I here noises behind saying.

"Paul, let's travel together" A very young girl said to put of no where.

I kept turn around looking up to see nothing but hearing bunch of voices of this young girls voice saying to me.

"What's going on, please some one help me" I cried out blocking my ears and crouching to the floor trying to block off the voice.

"Exucse me mister but we have bet before do you remember my name" The young female said out of no where.

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now