Ash's New Helper

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New chapter sorry for the long wait.

Reminder this story is kinda connected to my Father is training to be a pokemon master (amourshipping)

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it


With Lizzie

Lizzir woke up from the sunshine peeking through her window. She moaned rolled away from the sun and tubes her eyes showing that she's waking up.

"Well time for me to get up" Lizzie said as got out of bed.

She goes to her mirror to fix her purple hair and this time she puts her hair into a ponytail. "I guess this time I'll put a ponytail in. I always had my hair down" Lizzie thought as she walks away from the mirror.

Lizzie goes to the bathroom to take a shower. About 15 minutes later she comes out all dressed in her original clothing.

"Now I'm all ready let's go to the police station to see if they are ready" Lizzie thought as she left her hotel room.

At the police station

Lizzie walks in the station to see everyone rushing to get things ready. "Hmm are they ready to go to the pokemon Hunter already. They never told me there plan" Lizzie thought angry.

Officer Jenny saw Lizzie all mad. "I'm guessing she's mad that she thinks we have never told her the plan even we are going to tell her soon" Jenny thought as she walks up to Lizzie.

"Lizzir what ever your thinking we are going to tell you the plan soon, but right now we are getting our supplies ready to go out in two days" Jenny told Lizzie.

Lizzie replace her angry to a normal face as a calm face. "Good I really want to hear your plan" Lizzie said.

"Right we will don't worry come and meet us in the planning room about a hour" Jenny told lizzie.

"Right I will I'll go train for that time" Lizzie said as she left to go train some more.

A hour later

Lizzie walks back in the police station. "Now I have train for awhile I think I have gotten better at battling now I think I'll be able to beat the pokemon hunters" Lizzie thought as she walks in the planning room to see everyone looking at her.

"Alright give me your plan of what you got" Lizzie asked.

"Right. Okay our plan is that when we get there most of us will surround the area. But two of us has to sneak inside to disable the alarm from us going in" Jenny explain the plan and shows a map.

"So you need two of us to go in. I choose to. To go in." Lizzie volunteer to sneak in.

"No Lizzie you can't I dont want you to get caught like your father did. I'll find some one to do it" Jenny told her.

"No I want to go in I have been training my fathers pokemon and my self I have been practicing of sneaking in building" Lizzie told Jenny.

"Fine don't get your self caught I don't want our plan ruined." Jenny said.

"Thank you I won't let you down" Lizzie said with confident.

"Now who I should use to disable the alarm" Jenny said putting her hand on her chin.

Lizzie thought of an idea. "Maybe I should call my dad's friend Ash" Lizzie thought.

"Actually don't worry about that I already have someone for you" Lizzie told Jenny.

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now