A Happy Reunion

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Hey everyone I'm back sorry I haven't updated in a long time so now it's the time.

I wanted to say thank you guys for giving me this book 1k I was shock it took awhile to make it up to 1k so I'm soo happy thank you.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.


"Your awake" Dawn says with her hands to her mouth tears about to fall down. Paul hears her voice and moves his eyes to her blinking at her. He sits up in pain breathing a little hard.

"Be careful you were hit pretty hard" Dawn says as she still didn't hear a word from him. She looks up at him to see staring blankly at her.

Dawn starts to get worry for him. "Hey are you okay dear" Dawn asked putting her hands on his cheeks making him look at her directly. "Mom is dad okay" Lizzie asked with worry in her voice.

"I don't know sweetie his mind might be in sleep mode maybe" Dawn told her Daughter as she brings Paul into a hug crying.

Lizzie watches her mother hug her father and saw her father eyes moved to her eyes trying to figure out why they are here. "I think dad doesn't have his memories he lost them" Lizzie thought with tears down her face.

With Paul trying to figure these strangers are with him. He felt pain in his head with the dream he had with a little girl and a mother. Then hit him in the heart and remembers he has a family A daughter a wife with him right now. "Dawn, Lizzie" Paul thought.

Lizzie watches as her dad eyes closed she went wide worry that he'll go in coma again but not she saw his shoulders shaking and tears down his face. "Mom!, dad is crying" Lizzie said in shock.

"What?" She said before she can move she felt arms wrapped around bringing her more into the hug. "I've missed you so much" Paul whisper with a scratchy voice from not speaking over a month.

Dawn breaks down in tears again and hugging him tighter not giving him air to breath. "D-dawn c-can't breath" Paul said trying to speak to her.

"Oh I'm sorry, I've missed you so much too" Dawn said letting go of the hug to face their teary faces.

Paul slowly cups her face as she sat right on the bed where they can reach each other. "I missed your beautiful face" Paul said sweetly as they drew in their face and their lips met to give a sweet passionate kiss with Lizzie puts on a happy face squealing fist to her mouth being quite trying not interupt her parents.

Middle of their kiss Paul's hears quite squealing in front if him. He smirks in the middle of the kiss to make Dawn realized that there is a teenage girl or a daughter watching the whole scene making out. "Let me guess our daughter watching our kiss isn't she" Dawn said letting go of the kiss and smiles nervously at him.

"Yup," As Paul and Dawn what they are doing to turn their heads to see their girl still squealing with her eyes close not knowing that her parents are looking at her.

Lizzie felt a feeling that now she's being watched at. She slowly opens her eyes to she her parents looking at her with a smile. "Sorry I didn't mean squeal I was enjoying the moment" Lizzie said blushing looking away.

"Lizzie, come and see your father" Dawn told her gestering for her to come.

Lizzie smiles and runs up to her parents she kinda jumps lightly on the hospital bed. She wraps her arms around her father's stomach but not to hurt him. Paul smiles down at her feeling her warmth from her he wrapped his arms around her too giving her fatherly hug showing her he won't leave again.

"I'm glad your alive dad, I was scared when you took that hit for me, my body wouldn't move even though I tried too"Lizzie mubbled in her dad hospital gown.

"I took the hit for you because I wanted to protect you, and I don't want to lose someone again" Paul said as Lizzie removed her head from him showing tears as Paul wipes them away.

"So don't worry about me now I'm not going anywhere, and I'm going to stay with all of you" Paul said grabbing his two girls into group hugs.

"So what happen to Hunter J did we win" Paul asked letting go of the hug.

"We sure did, all thanks to Ruby and my self of course, Ruby disable the weapon from inside while I grabbed the remote that was controlling mewtwo" Lizzie said with victory.

"And Hunter J with her crew were all arrested this time for sure" Lizzie said.

"Phew that's good and I'm sure that the Pokemon trainers including the wild Pokemon went back to their homes. Oh another thing where's your friend I thought she will be here, she did looked someone familiar to me" Paul said putting his hand to his chin.

"Ooh you mean Ruby, she went back home" Lizzie said with a stern voice telling him that she didn't like ber at all.

"By the sound of your voice you don't like her, I mean seriously she looked someone familiar to me" Paul said trying to get a answer from them.

"Well you remember Ash and Serena right" Dawn asked him if he remembers.

"Oh yes that Ash he's an idiot, but I don't know about his wife though I'm sure she's okay, wait their baby I remember his wife was pregnant, what was the baby gender" Paul told or asked again.

Dawn starts to giggle. "Well that's good you remember them, but you have already met their child" Dawn says to him.

"What?" He says in confusion.

Lizzie rolls her eyes at him. "Uncle Ash and anut Serena child his Ruby, so Ruby Ketchum, you have met her" Lizzie confesses to her dad.

Paul couldn't say anything but with his mouth slightly open no words at all. "Shock isn't, that Ruby is nothing like Ash well except the look, I'm sure she has some traights in from him, mostly from aunt Serena I haven't seen her battle much" Lizzie said crossing her arms.

Paul chuckles lightly of stupid he was and even though now thinking he's stupid as Ash is. "Well lucky I didn't get on to her like I did with Ash long time ago" Paul said.

"Speaking about Ruby we have promised her that we would call the family some time, but after we get you out of the Hospital" Dawn said standing up from bed.

"Yeah I don't want to stay in any longer, and how long was I asleep" Paul asked.

"You have been a sleep the past month" Dawn says.

"What!, I'm sorry I made you all worry no wonder why you guys were crying for me" Paul says giving a apology face.

"You don't need to apologize, you were hurt pretty bad" Dawn said.

"Yeah you were dad" Lizzie said.

"I guess I was I need to be more carefully next time, and not to get killed along the way" Paul said scratching back of his head.

"Yeah you better or you'll leaving behind a wife and a daughter that you know just now or you have met her battle hunter J before you got hit" Dawn says crossing her arms with sad face.

"Yes I'm sorry again" Paul says looking down. Dawn felt sorry and went to her husband to hug him. "Its alright now your with us now and let's enjoy our time together" Dawn said caressing Paul's right cheek

"Okay" Paul said holding Dawns hand that Dawn was caressing his cheek.

Um sorry it's short I was a little busy today even though I didn't have work today.

But hopefully I will try to make it longer. At least about 2000 words.

Hope you like the chapter

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Bye bye 👋

Words: 1374

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now