Stopping Hunter J

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Hehe um sorry for the very long wait. All my stories had caught up with my very second story of my Sasusaku so now I had to add that one in order of my list. Now you guys have to wait a little longer on these chapters I'm sorry but hey I'll will never discontinue my storys at all I will finish them.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.



"Noooo!, Lizzie move out of the way" Paul shouted at his daughter. Lizzie looks at her father running towards her shocked to scared to move. Then she realized that he was going to take the hit for her.

"Wait dad stop no!" Lizzie shout back but it was too late Paul pushed her out of the way to get hit in the stomache by the aura sphere and was flung back away from Lizzie.

"Dad!" Lizzie cried out.

With Dawn

Dawn was doing the dishes cleaning with piplup. Dawn put her clean cup down then the cup shatters into pieces.

"The cup shattered, something is wrong" Dawn said as she cleaned up her glass.

She walked into her living room and turns the tv on.

"This is disaster all the pokemon are being control by Hunter J, we need to stop Hunter J repeat we need to stop here" The reporter said on the news channel.

"Oh no, that's why the cup shatter, something really did happen" Dawn said worried.

"I need to go out there now" Dawn said getting her stuff ready and leaving the house.

Now onto the story

Lizzie sat there watched her dad got flung back past her from taking the hot for her. "Dad!" Lizzie she yelled out again. She run to her father that was laying in his back with his eyes closed but his open orange shirt from open showing a big bruise on his chest from being hit by the aura sphere.

She made up to him and fall to her knees. "Dad please be okay?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Paul didn't respond to her answer just remaining silence. "Dad please wake up" Lizzie said with tears going down her face.

"You can't die" Lizzie whispered not controlling her tears and cried on her dad's body. Ruby walk up to lizzie with a sad face. "I'm sorry for your loss" Ruby said sadly.

"It can't be help my dad is gone is Hunter J will pay" Lizzie said fierce in her voice but still with tears down her face.

"When this fight is over we can give him a proper burial" Ruby said giving Lizzie a hug with tears on her shoulder.

Then Lizzie felt Ruby stiffen and Ruby let's go of the hug. "I got idea I know how to stop that weapon" Ruby told Lizzie.

Lizzie stops her crying and looks at Ruby. "How your going to do that" Lizzie asked her. "I can asked the people who electronics in that weapon maybe they add something to shut it down that even hunter J never knew about" Ruby explain to Lizzie.

"Really?, then go out there and find them I really need revenge for my father and defeat hunter J" Lizzie said with anger again.

"Right I'll be going and to find them, I'm sorry for your loss and I know how to feel when you took for ever finding your father for such a long time" Ruby told her smiling bringing Lizzie in tears again.

"She's right I did look for him for a long time we'll mostly mom looks for him, she know how I feel I think she hasn't seen her dad in years too" Lizzie thought as she stands up to face hunter J and glaring at her.

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now