Now off to pokemon Hunter's Hideout

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Hey new chapter. XD

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.



A person ran through the door all exhausted. "I'm sorry that I am late I couldn't find this area" The person said.

Lizzie looks at the person with shock eyes. Then the person looks at Lizzie with shock eyes too.

"What! Are you doing here" they both said at the same time.

Now onto the story

Lizzie glared at the girl she has met once during at a bad incident. "Why has Ash brung me a weak trainer it's so post to be a hacker" Lizzie thought.

"Your the girl that was rude to me at the bad incident and never told me what happened" The girl told Lizzie.

"Yes that was me. I didn't tell you because you annoyed me" Lizzie said harshly.

Jenny walks between the two girls. "Alright girls now let's not into a fight we have a mission to do" Jenny said as breaking the fight.

Lizzie and the girl crossed their arms and turned their heads not even looking at each other. "Fine" The said at the same time.

"Good, now what's your name that my friend Ash sent you for our help" Jenny asked smiling at the girl.

The girl starts to laugh. Everyone starts looking at weird why she's laughing for. She finally calms down. "You really don't know me, I've been over the news, take a good look at me" She said.

The group or as in Jenny looks at the girl carefully. Jenny went wide eyed. "Are you the daughter of Ash Ketchum "Jenny said shocking.

"You betcha. My name is Ruby Ketchum at your service. Okay that might sound weird" Ruby introduce her self.

Lizzie walks up to Ruby. "Since your the daughter of Ash I'm guessing you know some hacking" Lizzzie tries to get along with Ruby.

"Yes I know a little bit of hacking from my dad's friend Clemont because I live in Kalos. But he only taught me disable alarms I think that's all you need right" Ruby smirks at Lizzie.

Lizzie hmpf and crosses her arms. "Lucky you now don't fail me" Lizzie stomps away from Jenny and Ruby.

The next day

Lizzie and the police crew with Ruby waiting for Jenny to give instructions for ready to go to rescue the pokemon trainer including lizzie's father Paul.

"What's taking Jenny so long" Lizzie said unpatient with tapping her foot. "Jenny went to go grab something real quick for us use" Ruby said calm to Lizzie.

"Heh well she better be quick or something bad will happen when we get there" Lizzie said.

Then finally Jenny comes out hold two small items as speaker to put in your ear. She walks up to Ruby and Lizzie and gave them one each.

"These ear pieces are Bluetooth to talk each other if lost each other" Jenny said as the two put ear Bluetooth in their ear.

"Alright crew let's head out" Jenny told her crew. lizzie and Ruby went with Jenny.

A few hours of driving

All the police officers got out of the car and went to their places from their plan. "Alright are you guys in your places" Jenny spoke in her Mic.

"Yes Lady Jenny" The all said. Jenny turns to Ruby and lizzie. "Alright you two we have left opening for you to sneak in and I'm sure they won't detect you" Jenny told them.

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now