Hunter J's weapon

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Hehe sorry for the long wait. Here's the new chapter.

I'll update two chapter today so this chapter is one of them.

Will update the two of them at the same time.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it



"He's not, I'm guessing dawn gave away my pokemon to someone" Paul said sadly.

"Uh no she didn't" Lizzie said as she released all of his pokemon out. "My pokemon" Paul said as they all jumped on him.

"What you mean that she didn't" Paula asked.

"What take a good look at me" Lizzie said the same as what ruby said yesterday when they met again.

Paul looks at ruby with shock eyes and he gasped.

Now onto the story

"It can't be true" Paul whispered with his head down. "Do you know now" Lizzie asked crouching in front of her father.

"Yes that she moved on with out me and your her daughter" Paul said quite with his shoulders shaking.

Lizzie shook her head with disappointment. "Maybe dad's mind went crazy here" Lizzie thought as she punched her dad's head.

"Ahhh what did you do that for my rescue is not to hit the that person who they are going to rescue" Paul said glaring at Lizzie.

Lizzie frowned at him and crossed her arms. "You don't get it do you I told you to look at me and you don't see the resemblance of my hair or your Pokemon, I might as well tell you" Lizzie said.

Paul looks at her purple hair. "Her hair color is like mine and her eyes are like Dawn's. Wait don't tell me now" Paul thought.

Lizzie heart starts to beat fast with sad and Happy its like she doesn't know how to tell him.

"I-i I'am" Lizzie started to speak but got interrupted by a hug and that was her dad hugging her.

"I'm sorry it took me to realized. Are you really my daughter, what is your name" He whispered in her ear.

Lizzie starts to have tears in her eyes. "Yes I'am, I'am your daughter dad and my name is Lizzie. I have been looking for you or mom over the years" Lizzie said crying hugging her dad back.

They both stand back up. "Hey it's okay don't cry now all it matters that I'm here now" Paul told her and wiping her tears away.

"Right" Lizzie said smiling.

"Hey sorry disturb the moment for daughter and father but we have bad guy to catch" Jenny interrupted.

"Jenny is right you know" Ruby said as she pointed to the weapon coming out of the building.

They all turned to Hunter J starting up the machine. "Hahaha now all the pokemon in the world would be mine" She laughed evil.

"We need to stop her now" Paul said as he told Torterra to use a move on the weapon but bounced right back.

"Again Torterra " Paul commanded as Torterra used the same move again but bounce right off again.

"I think it's not going to work dad" Lizzie told her dad.

"You might be right but we have to do something" He said worried.

"Well we could try all pokemon hitting the weapon at the same time" Ruby said walking up to them.

Paul looks at ruby. "You look someone I have know but your a female version of him" Paul said to Ruby.

Ruby looks at Paul with a sweat drop. "Um can we worry about that later and getting a move on" Ruby said crossing her arms then unfolding them then she released all her pokemon.

"Alright guys we're going to destroy the weapon way up there and they need our help" Ruby told her pokemon and they all nodded.

"Alright time for me to bring out my starter but I didn't catch any other pokemon at all" Lizzie said as she turns on the belt thing whatever the professor have her and she summon her pokeball with her only starter.

"Hmm how come you didn't catch any other pokemon" Paul asked as Lizzie calls out her starter.

"Hehe well I had yours for a long time I didn't have enough time to catch any I wanted to find you" Lizzie answered.

"Well after this we should catch some for you" Paul smiled at his daughter.

"Really okay" she smiled back at him.

The group hears the weapon starting up and to see Hunter J pushing buttons. She aims the big weapon at all the pokemon down below.

"Now your pokemon is all mine" She smirked with victory.

"Hurry hit the weapon" They say to their pokemon's.

The pokemon started to uses their moves at the weapon. All the moves going straight towards the weapon.

"Your too late" Hunter J laughed again. Hunter J hit the button and red light beam scatter all over the world hitting every pokemon.

Paul saw his pokemons got hit by the red beam. Their eyes went red and all of them walked in daze towards to Hunter J.

"Torterra Froslass guys snap out of it" Paul cried out.

"Chimchar" Lizzie cried out too.

Alright this chapter ends here and working on the next one right now.

Well actually will be posted after this one.

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Bye bye 👋


Words: 898

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