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Hey new chapter

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Lizzie's POV

"A day has been past the pokemon or the police station people are training their butts hard. So that's I'm going to train my father's pokemon more." I grabbed my father's give pokemon.

"But first I need to get the sixth one from professor" as put them back.

An hour later still Lizzie's POV

"I have finally made it to the lab" I open the door to see the professor talking to a man about something I don't know What.

The professor turns around to see me walking in. "Ah Lizzie what are you doing here today aren't you busy looking for your father?" He asked me.

"Ah yes and no" I kinda answer.

"What you mean yes or no." the professor gave me a confused look.

"Hehe I found him but the police officer or as in officer Jenny said we need two weeks to train before invading the pokemon Hunters" I said with a hand behind my head.

"Ooooh but then why are you here, shouldn't you be out there training too" He told me.

"Yes I should that's why I am here to get one of my fathers pokemon to trade my starter out" I said.

"Ahh well then follow me" He told me as I followed him to the back area where the other pokemon is.

"Alright you put your starter pokeball or pokemon here and I'll transfer the other one back from this machine" He told me as i put my starter pokeball in the machine.

I turn my head as he starts pushing buttons and I heard the machine to start up. I saw the pokeball dissapeared and replace a another pokeball.

I grabbed the pokeball and released the pokemon to reveal my father's last 6th pokemon.

"Return" I said as I see the pokemon Return back.

"Now your pokemon is in good hands. Do you need anything else" he asked me.

"Um yes is there a way I can use pokemon starter for a 7th. Because someday I have to give my dad pokemon back" I asked.

The professor put his hand to his chin. "I'm sorry there no way for that but I invented a electronic device that you transfer one pokemon out and put another in your party" He explain to me as he grabbed the device and showed it to me. I grab the device and looked.

"I have just invented that device so maybe you can be the first one to test out if it work best I'll make more for other trainers. Just like if they leave there pokeballs to someone else while caught in battle the device call teleport to the person" He explain about the device to me.

"Well that sounds better than going to a lab to trade out your pokemon. How come you didn't event this when my father disappeared" I said with my hands still holding the device.

"Hehe about that i have never thought of it before I didn't even have the right tools for it" the professor sweat dropped.

"Alright change the topic you can put the device in your belt with your fathers pokeballs. And you push this button that opens the device to put your pokeball and the screen here shows you what pokemon you have that you want to trade out" He explained to me again.

I put the device on my belt. "Thank you for giving me this device but I'll use it later for the right moment. But not now though" I said.

"Alright I think you get going on your training" He smiled at me.

"Yeah your right good bye professor" I said waving him good bye as a leave the lab.

2 hours later at the training ground
(Not lizzie's POV)

Lizzie walked up to battle area. "Hmm I think this should be good place here for me to train" Lizzie thought as she release all her father's pokemon out.

"Hey guys I have found my dad your trainer we are going to see him soon. Right now he's being held by pokemon Hunters" Lizzie told the pokemon.

All the pokemon went into tears that they'll see there trainer again after 13 or 14 years. "Awee it'll be okay guys that's why we are out here because we are going to train. Since we lost to Ash we need to strong again to defeat the hunter. I won't be like my father how he trained you. So let's get started" Lizzie told them with confident.

All the pokemon nodded at her with eyes ready to get train in their systems.

"Alright we are going to start off with Torterra and Froslass." Lizzie commanded.

Torterra went to the other side of the battle field with Froslass on the other side. "Alright torterra use shell armor and Froslass use cursed body" lizzie commanded.

The two pokemon used there moves. They start charging at each other.

Half of the day
(N/A: Sorry too lazy to describe the training.)

Lizzie and the pokemon laying down on the dirty exhausted from training. "I think we did good guys we need more training in us mostly you guys. I bet you want my father to proud of you" Lizzie smiled at them.

"Wait why I am smiling I haven't smiled since mother was happy. Lizzie starts thinking about her mom and then her father came to mind.

"Maybe I'm happy that i get to see father" Lizzie has almost tears in her eyes.

Her father pokemon gave her surprise group hug. "Haha you guys are you trying to cheer me up" Lizzie muffled from getting hug by the pokemon.

Torterra gave her a kick on the cheeck. "I wonder if dad was here now he might be smiling too" Lizzie thought. Lizzie pet torterra on the head.

A week has past in the hotel room

"A week has past and I have been training my dads pokemon. They look like they have been trained I think one of them evolved" Lizzie thought.

"I have called mom lately now she wants to come and help i told her no me and jenny got this handled I told her I didn't want to lose another parent. So she finally gave up and stayed home" Lizzie thought again.

"For the next few days I'll go to Jenny to see what the plan is. When we are ready to go I'll tottally look for my dad" Lizzie thought as she got up from her bed and look her self in the mirror. "Hmm I wondering if dad would figure out I'm his daughter with out me telling him I do have his cute purple hair" Lizzie spoke out with a few pokemon out their pokeballs looking at her.

"Now I'm curious in his past has anyone has made fun of hair before" Lizzie asked her dad's pokemon.

The pokemon looks at each other and then shaking their heads no. "No even one complain" She asked again and The pokemon shook their heads. "Wow haha I'll ask him about it when I rescue him first" Lizzie said.

"But for Right now let's get some rest" Lizzie told the pokemon.

Eh I think that's it for this chapter. I couldn't think of anything else I'm sure I will for the next chapter.

The amourshipping book will be updated tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed This chapter.

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Bye 👋


Words: 1267

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