The Controlling Pokemon

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Another new chapter

Hope you like it.

Any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it



Paul saw his pokemons got hit by the red beam. Their eyes went red and all of them walked in daze towards to Hunter J.

"Torterra Froslass guys snap out of it" Paul cried out.

"Chimchar" Lizzie cried out too.

Now onto the story

"Haha now I got all your pokemon in control and all mine, their attacks missed the weapon" Hunter J yelled out smiling.

"What I thought they did" Jenny said.

"If they did then how come my weapon is still here" Hunter J smirked.

The group see the weapon still good as new and working not even touched by the pokemon moves they have used on.

"How did it missed" Ruby said shock.

"I have a legendary to deflect the moves away from my weapon" Hunter J said looking at her nails.

"What!, and what legendary is that" Jenny asked.

The legendary floated up behind Hunter J. The group went wide eyes and gasps were heard.

Hunter starts to laugh again. "Yes I have mewtwo on my side and no one can't stop me this time" Hunter J said.

"But I'm sure we still can the police force is still here and armed" Jenny said and the officers ready for battle what ever they have.

"Good luck with that I'm sure you wouldn't shoot Pokemon's would you" Hunter J said.

"No but we wouldn't shoot a pokemon but we would shoot you, officers aim at her now" Jenny command with officers have their guns aimed at her.

Then Paul's pokemon and the others run in front of Hunter J guarding her. "Officer Jenny stop those our's pokemon up there don't shoot" Paul told Jenny.

"Right stand off officers" Jenny told them as they lowered their guns.

Then more pokemon came by the weapon and ruby saw certain pokemon that she recognizes she went wide eyes.

"So now what are you gonna do now" Hunter J said.

"We'll figure out something" Jenny said.

Hunter J smiles. "Mewtwo use aura sphere on the purple hair girl" Hunter J command Mewtwo and pointed at Lizzie.

Mewtwo started up aura sphere and aimed at the girl as in Lizzie. Paul noticed mewtwo aimed at Lizzie.

Mewtwo shot the aura sphere at Lizzie going straight towards her. Lizzie looks up in shock to scared to move. Paul saw the aura sphere going straight at her and starts running at Lizzie.

"Noooo!, Lizzie move out of the way" Paul shouted at his daughter. Lizzie looks at her father running towards her shocked to scared to move. Then she realized that he was going to take the hit for her.

"Wait dad stop no!" Lizzie shout back but it was too late Paul pushed her out of the way to get hit in the stomache by the aura sphere and was flung back away from Lizzie.

"Dad!" Lizzie cried out.

"Oooh that's too bad I guess he was the father of her" Hunter J smirked again.

With Dawn

Dawn was doing the dishes cleaning with piplup. Dawn put her clean cup down then the cup shatters into pieces.

"The cup shattered, something is wrong" Dawn said as she cleaned up her glass.

She heard a light beam coming in her house and she ducked down but piplup didn't do hit got hit by the light beam.

"Piplup are you okay" Dawn asked worried.

Piplup slowly got up and open his eyes that is red. "Piplup?" She asked again.

Piplup didn't answered and starts leaving the house. Then Dawn's pokeball open with her other pokemon has the same red eyes two.

"Hey where are you guys going" She asked out following them.

She followed then outside to whole other pokemon with red eyes. "What's going on here, something bad is going on, I hope Lizzie and Paul are okay" Dawn said.

Then she heard her Neighbors calling out for there pokemons. "I better check the news" Dawn thought as she went back in side.

She walked into her living room and turns the tv on.

"This is disaster all the pokemon are being control by Hunter J, we need to stop Hunter J repeat we need to stop here" The reporter said on the news channel.

"Oh no, that's why the cup shatter, something really did happen" Dawn said worried.

"I need to go out there now" Dawn said getting her stuff ready and leaving the house.

And done for this chapter I'm sorry they are short but hey at least you got two chapters in one day.

Well I think this chapter was a little shocking.

But will Paul be okay

Will Dawn find the place where the group is and help out.

Wait to find out.

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Bye bye 👋


Words: 822

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now