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Hi everyone here's a new chapter for you. Sorry for the long wait.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.



Dawn looks away from her daughter and Dawn hugs her dear lover on the chest crying. After a while Dawn starts to hear.





Dawn gaps with shock.

Now onto the story

"Go get Jenny Call a ambulance, now" Dawn commanded her daughter. "Is father okay" Lizzie asked before she left.

"I believe so now go get her" Dawn said again and this time Lizzie ran off to get Jenny. Dawn looks away from her Dawn to look at her Husband sleeping face.

(N/A: Forgot to tell you all, about Paul saying something to Ruby about her. I just remembered that the first chapter that Paul was there to see Serena pregnant at the party but he totally forgot about them except for Ash)

Dawn put her hand on his neck to check a pulse and there was one. "I thought you were dead and your back I get to see you again" Dawn cried as she moved her husband head on her lap and caressed his Sorry face. "I have missed you so much" Dawn said.

With Lizzie

"Mom told me to Jenny to call the ambulance" Lizzie thought as she ran up to Jenny when was arresting the pokemon Hunters. "Jenny!" Lizzie called out for her.

Jenny puts the last hunter in the car and she heard her name being called. She stop what she was doing and turns to face Lizzie running up to her.  "Oh Lizzie I wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss of your father I know you took forever to find him and now he's gone" Jenny felt sorry for Lizzie.

Lizzie shakes her head. "You don't need to feel sorry now, please call ambulance" Lizzie says quickly. "Huh?, why is someone hurt" Jenny asked. "Well no it's my dad he's alive but he needs to go to the hospital right away" Lizzie pleaded.

"What!, I saw him get hit by the aura sphere, aim guessing he survived that" Jenny said. "Yes please call the ambulance" Lizzie reminded Jenny.

"Right I get to right now" Jenny pulls out a phone and dials 911. The phone was answered. "What's your emergency" A female spoke through.

"Yes, you need to come here quick we have someone hurt and he needs to go to the hospital quickly" Jenny told her emergency.

"Right and location please" The girl said.

Jenny said her location and the girl said their on there way now and be there in five minutes. Jenny hung up the phone and turn to Lizzie being all worried. "Their on there way now, I suggest to be with your mother now" Jenny told Lizzie as she nodds and ran towards her mother.

With Dawn and Lizzie

Dawn saw her daughter running back from telling Jenny to call the ambulance. "Are they coming" Dawn asked. "Yes mom they are coming in five minutes" Lizzie answered as she say down with her mother holding her father. "Is dad okay?" Lizzir asked as she returns her dad's pokemon in their pokeballs including hers.

"I don't know sweetie all I know he's alive with a heart beat" Dawn not knowing if Paul will be okay.

5 minutes later

Paul's Daughter Lizzie (Ikarishipping)Where stories live. Discover now