Officer Jenny

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What's up every body I have a new chapter for ya. My stories will take longer to update now becauee I have a job now I hope you'll understand about that.

If any grammar issues leave a comment on the side and I'll fix it.

For this story I might go back and fourth with Paul to lizzie. In this chapter will be lizzie again.

So now enjoy the chapter.

With Lizzie

Lizzie finally made it to the police office as jail place. She entered the building to see bunch of officers working hard to figure out the case of criminals.

Lizzie looks around and spots Jenny talking with her worker about a random case. Lizzie politely walked up to her and officer Jenny notice her coming up.

"Hi, I will get with you in the mome. Can you please sit over there at the front door where the benches are" Officer Jenny told lizzie politely.

"Yes ma'am" Lizzie said quitly and went to sit at the benches.

While later

Officer Jenny finished talking to her workers and walked over to lizzie who was waiting patiently.

"I'm sorry for making you wait I had a important case to work on that happen thirteen years ago or at least close to fourteen years ago" Jenny said.

"Its okay I'm actually here for that case that I'm kinda related to one of the trainers went missing" Lizzie spoke.

"What! Why you didn't say so" Jenny almost shouted. "Well you told me to sit here for awhile" Lizzie sweat dropped.

"I'm sorry sometimes I need to focus more" Jenny kinda laughed and put her hand behind her head.

Jenny finally got a good look at Lizzie purple hair and facial face. "Hmm she looks a lot like Dawn and Paul should I ask her"Jenny thought as lizzie notice that Jenny was looking at her carefully.

"So I look someone familiar huh" Lizzie broke out Jenny spacing out from looking at her.

"Yea you who's your parents kid" Jenny asked.

"My parents is. Well my mom is Dawn and my father is Paul." Lizzie answered.

Jenny put a shocking face on. "Yy-your father is Paul and your mother is Dawn as in the Dawn that did pokemon show cases." Jenny said with her hands on her face.

"Uh yes but you mention a lot about my father but not my father what's wrong about my father" Lizzie asked.

Jenny put a frown face. "Your father is sometimes is not a nice person he gives out a cold glare to every one especially his rivals. He is sometimes hard to talk to." Jenny said quietly.

Lizzie puts a frown face. "I wonder how my mom brung down his attitude towords everyone and plus my mom never told me about him much"Lizzie said.

Jenny looks at lizzie with a guilt face. "I know it's hard with out a father around But when you do get a chance to meet him. I don't how he'll act around you" Jenny said as she puts her right hand on lizzie's shoulder.

Lizzie almost smiled. "So back to the topic of why you are here" Jenny change the topic.

"Oh okay I'm here to tell you from the videos at the professor lab I saw something interesting that might help the case"Lizzie explained her story.

Jenny crosses her arms to put her hand on her chin. "Alright follow me I have the exact same copies of the videos of what happen that day" Jenny singled Lizzie to follow her to her office.

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