Treasure 1

142 11 5

I never thought I'd find love

I'm truly indebted, now answer this question...

What sweet treat do you feed a confection loving dentist that enjoys eating fairies?

Good luck... and enjoy!

A dentist who eats fairies? That's weird... and gross. Seriously how do you even find a fairy in today's world? But I guess it doesn't have to be a real fairy.

I reread the clue a few times and put it in my pocket for future reference. Maybe it's a plush fairy but why would there be a fairy toy at a pride festival? I mean I can't judge... maybe it's someone who's dressed like a fairy but that could take forever to find.

I decide to just walk through the festivities and check out the booths. Maybe something will come to mind. I don't think they're timing me but they told me to hurry up so maybe I'm going too slow... I'm kinda stuck in a box though. I have no idea what the clue could be talking about... Pidge said this one was going to be easy!

Then again Pidge's definition of easy is "very" different from a normal person.

I take a few corners while skimming the booklet of activities, they really went all out for the festival. They have so many different things to do, booths to check out, and big events going on throughout the day. Not to mention the area is huge, I didn't think they would need this much room. I guess walking around won't help me figure it out. 

Actually come to think of it... who did I help find someone to love? I mean... who would take my advice anyways? I can't keep a relationship... god I remember my last one. He ended up getting in a fight after cheating on me and he had to go to the dentist over and over for surgeries to fix his teeth. He looked so miserable... 

it was hilarious. 

But I couldn't imagine not being able to eat candy or anything sweet for years. 

I end up passing a few carts for carnival foods. Popcorn, kettle corn, candy corn, a whole bunch of corn (idek why), and Cotton can-... dy. 


I remember someone telling me that when Cotton candy first came out it was created by a dentist.

The dentist was very interested in creating and making different kinds of candies and he ended up creating cotton candy... but it wasn't called cotton candy when it first came out. I think it was called...

Fairy Floss!

Wow, I'm an idiot. It literally says old fashioned fairy floss on the cart and I've been starring at the sign for 10 minutes. Ok maybe my friends are right when they told me I'm a little oblivious at times... just a little. 

I haul ass to the stand because people are starting to look at me like I need help or something. I mean I don't blame them considering the amount of time I've probably been standing at this sign drooling or something.

I stop at a counter and there's a person working there. They have a masculine looking face with blue lipstick and amber eyes. Their hair is navy blue with pink underneath and I can make out a scar underneath their makeup around the right eye. I search for the name tag and it reads "Zethrid."

This must be Ezor's girlfriend. 

"Can I help you?" Her voice was deep and raspy but she seemed nice enough.

"Umm, maybe... Zethrid right?" She looked like she had a moment of realization and let a laugh escape her teal lips while simultaneously leaning forward against the table on her elbows.

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