8: Spilled Secret

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Andy's P.O.V

I looked up in shock. "W-what?" The bags almost dropped from my grip, body overtaken by fear people would find out this early.

"Yeah, that's right. I know about the marriage. I know it's you and Prince Ryan. And I also know you don't want anybody to find out. And they won't... for a price."

My heart rate increased. How the hell did he even know about the wedding? Why did I have to pay a price just for my marriage to remain private and unharmed?

"Absolutely not. I will not jeopardize my marriage. Tell people, I don't give a fuck." Lie. I did give a fuck. Massively.

"But you do care, Andrew. I will stay silent about it, if you do as I say." His eyes glistened with evil and a scheming nature.

"I don't know who the fuck you are, but you need to leave me alone."

"The name's Jon. And I don't need to do anything. I'll be in touch." His hand brushed my ass as he walked behind me, touch trailing.

I saw Brook walking up to me, and remembered that I had the Victoria's Secret bag. I hurriedly stuffed it into another, smothering it with the clothes inside just as he came in front of me.

"You alright?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied. "Why'd you take so long in the bathroom?"

Brook turned slightly red as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, um, I got a little lost, and there was also a queue."

I nodded, knowing full well he was lying. "Okay. I think I'm done now. Are you?"

"Yeah, I'm done. Do you want to go home or somewhere else?"

"Can we go home? I need to put these bags away and just sleep for a little while."

"Of course. Do you want me to take them?" He gestured towards the bags, hand outstretched. I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. Come on." We made our way out of the mall and into his car, driving home.

We soon got home, where apart from Alex making lunch, it was completely quiet.

"Hey, Alex." I put my bags down, going over. I kept my distance, however, after that kiss he gave me.

"Hey, Andy. You hungry?" He flashed a smile at Brook, winking at me. I forced a smile, turning away.

"Yeah, starving."

"Alright. Lunch will be ready in about half an hour."

"Thanks. I'm gonna be in my room. Just come up after you're done." I gathered everything and went upstairs with Brook, just to avoid any further conversation. I didn't dislike Alex or anything; I just felt the need to stay a little further away from him. I was married and although it wasn't in the best position, it was wrong to betray Rye like that.

I was about to head into my room when Rye stopped me gently. "Uh, c-can we talk?"

I was slightly taken aback by his nervous tone, but nodded. "Come in." After putting the bags away, I sat on the bed. Rye slowly sat down on one of the sofas, not looking at me. "You can sit on the bed, Ryan."

He looked up and smiled a small, almost invisible smile, sitting across from me. "You can call me Rye. I want you to. Andy, I'm so sorry for how I've been treating you recently. It was so wrong of me as your husband and your partner. I know an apology won't make up for it, but I just need you to know that it's not your fault. It's mine and mine alone. You've done nothing wrong. If I wasn't acting so stupid, we wouldn't be on bad terms."

"It's okay, Rye. I accept your apology and forgive you. And true, your actions led to this, but if you hadn't, we'd never even know each other existed. It's going to be a hell of a journey, this marriage, but I'm ready. And I hope you are, too. Because I'm glad it's you and not anyone else." I placed a hand on top of his, reassuring him I was okay with it. Because I was. I meant every word I'd said; it would just take time to warm to him properly, that's all.

"I'm glad it's you, too, Andy," he whispered. A single tear fell onto my hand, and I wiped another from his cheek, my hand remaining there.

"What's wrong?" He looked up, an angry look in his eyes. I kept my hand where it was. "Rye, I'm right here. Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't have to tell you anything, Andrew." He flinched away from my hand, looking out of the wall-length window.

"Don't call me that, please. Rye, tell me what's on your mind... Give me just a little bit of your heart." What was wrong with him? One minute he was being kind, the next he was cold as ice.

He shook his head, still not looking at me.

"Please, Rye. We've only just made up. What's wrong?"

I pulled his hand into mine, refusing to let go. "I'm so fucking stupid," he muttered. The pillow next to him was hurled towards the door, making a vase fall onto the carpeted floor.

"You're not, Rye. You can tell me."

"All that shit with Mikey. Why? I'm married, for fuck's sake," he growled.

"It's okay, my love. I forgive you."

"You do?" His expression was so genuine and upset, and it broke a little bit of my heart to see him like that.

"Yeah, I do. You did that before we were married, so it doesn't affect me now." I'm not entirely sure why, but I had decided it was something I could forgive him for.

"But I kissed him this morning. I'm so sorry."

"Rye, seriously. It's okay."

"Uh, you know we didn't actually... have sex?"

What? "You didn't?"

"No. I just, pleasured him." He shook his head, placing it into his hands.


"Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" His question was blunt and to the point. I stared at him for a few seconds, afraid it was a joke. But he didn't crack a smile or anything.

"Okay. That would be lovely, Rye."

He grinned, hugging me. "I gotta go prepare. Thank you for saying yes, Andy."

"It's always going to be a yes, Rye," I whispered. He nodded and left with a pleased look on his face. I sat back, a bit confused with what had just happened.

Wow. What a weird relationship.

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