Who Are You?

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I was anxious about talking to my daughter. What will she think of me? Will she hate me for handing her off like her friend just handed Ellie off to her? I've watched her throughout her life, but she couldn't see me.

I waited by the architecture section. That's Sabia's favorite area, so I hoped that showing that I know her favorite things would help break the ice.


I didn't know what to think as I headed for the library, but I at least knew I was nervous. I was afraid that she wouldn't like me, or that I hadn't lived up to her expectations. I mean I was excited to meet my mother, the woman who gave birth to me, but I was also angry. I was angry at her for handing me off like some dog that is no longer wanted.

As I walked into the library, something drew me to the architectural section. That's always the first place I visit in the library anyways, so I followed the illogical pull.

As I rounded the shelves, I saw the woman my parents had described to me. Her long curly brown hair and stormy grey eyes were just like Athena. The only problem with her appearance was that she looked far too young to have a child my age. I mean she looked my age.

"Hello, Sabia," the woman said.

"Hi," I replied. "You're the woman I'm here to meet aren't you?"

"Yes, Sabia. I am," she sadly replied. Maybe not sadly more like anxious.

"Why don't we head to my house? We can talk there," I suggested.

"All right."

We left the library, and climbed into my car. There was silence the whole ride. The tension in the car was so thick that I could have cut it with a knife. As soon as we were in my house, I broke the silence.

"So, you're my mother?" I asked.

"Yes. I can understand if you are angry with me for being distant," she said apprehensively.

"Angry, no. Disappointed, maybe," I said sounding a little more annoyed than I had planned. "How could you have just left me like that? You didn't even tell them your name. My parents wanted so much to send you everything. To send you all my grade cards and achievements. You could have at least visited me," I wasn't planning to let it all out, but there it was. I released all my anger, some of it was anger I didn't even know I had. "Okay, maybe I am angry."

"I understand completely. I don't blame you, my daughter. I want you to know now, why I couldn't."

"First, tell me your name. Please."

"I think you already know. Let me show you who I am."

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