The First Challenge

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I couldn't believe that I had finally gotten to go on a quest. I've been praying to my mother every night for one, and she granted my wish. First, though, I need to tell my dad what's going on.

"Before we go, I have to stop somewhere," I told Sabia.


"Well my dad would get worried if I didn't tell him."

"Can't you just Iris Message him?"

"Let me guess, you came up with that from the Percy Jackson books."

"Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" Sabia asked nïevely.

"The Iris Message was a creation of Rick Riordan, it doesn't really exist."

"Oh, I'm kinda new to the whole goddess thing. I grew up thinking I was mortal."

"Well, I guess there's a lot I get to teach you."

As we walked to my dad's place, Sabia asked me many questions about what in the world of Rick Riordan was real, and what wasn't. To her surprise, a lot was made up. I got the chance to explain the situation to my dad, and then we were off again.

We had only traveled three days when we met our first obstacle. The sphinx.


The sphinx, one of the monsters I was amazed to find was actually in Greek mythology.

We were headed west when we came across a city, but the city was in ruins. Everything that is except a temple, but I couldn't recognize which god or goddess it belonged to. The temple was of typical Greek design except the roof something about it seemed off, but I couldn't tell what. Inside was the surprise. There on a dias, was a sphinx, and she was waiting for a nice demigod to eat.

"Hello, young questers, welcome," her catty voice mused.

"Let us pass!" Thomas yelled.

I was about to remind him about the riddle when I realized his strategy, and it was ingenious.

"First, you must answer my riddle," she purred contentedly.

"I will answer," he announced.

"What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

Thomas answered.


Cliff Hanger.


Do you think he will answer correctly, or will Thomas get eaten by the sphinx? Why do you think so? What is the answer to the riddle?

Please answer in a comment.

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