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She, my birth mother, reached out and grabbed me by the hand. Suddenly my house disappeared, and we were in a large open pavilion. In the vented was a set of twelve thrones. Each throne was different because they showed the nature of its owner. At the center were two chairs one with lightening flashing all over its stormy blue exterior, and the other had Peacocks for arm rests. Then sprouting out from there to make a U shape, were ten more. The five to the left by the lightening chair were as follows. First was one that had curves like the waves in the Ocean. Then a blood red throne with All kinds of weapons covering the surface. Next came a golden throne. After which was a volcanic looking throne and finally a simple throne with a Cadecus etched into the side. On the opposite side were five more. First came a throne with shrubbery growing on it. Then a throne of books. Afterword was a silver throne and then a pink throne with doves and roses and hearts everywhere. Last was a purple throne with grapes adorning it. I knew who each throne represented, and I knew where I was. I was on Olympus.

I walked over to the throne of books and turned to my mother. "This one is yours, isn't it?"


"Then you are Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. You've always been my favorite goddess."

"And you, mine, Sabia."



Sorry this is such a short chapter, but I wanted to leave a nice little cliff hanger for a bit. Actually, it's because I don't know how to have the news broke to Sabia and Poseidon. You see he doesn't know yet either.

Please comment and give me ideas. :-)

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