20 years later

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"Daniel, have you seen Sabia? She was supposed to be here an hour ago," I asked my husband. I still can't believe it was twenty years ago that that kind lady handed her newborn baby girl over to us. We never learner her name, but she seemed so devistated that we decided to keep the name she gave the child. Now Sabia is twenty years old, and I believe it's time to tell her the truth. We should have told her long ago, but we never could bring ourselves to.

"No. I'm sure it's fine. She might have needed to stay after class or something. You know how she is about learning."

"Yeah you're probably right. I just worry about her. I'm her mother it's my job."

Just then, I heard to front door open and Sabia call out, "Sorry I'm late. My professor wanted to speak with me after class."

"For an hour!?" I complained.

"Yeah, remember that teacher's assistant position I told you I had applied for?"

"Yes, what about it?" I replied.

"My application was accepted. He was explaining to me what the job entails. Basically I'll be grading papers, except for my own that is, and I have to sit in on his 3:00 class to help him explain the material being covered."

"Wow!" Daniel and I said at once. Then Daniel finished with, "That seems like a big honor as well as responsibility. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Of course I can. I've been doing things like this since I was in 10th grade."

I cleared my throat and interrupted before the conversation could further. "Sabia, there's something your father and I need to talk to you about."


"What's wrong, Mom? Are you sick?"

"No, this is about you," dad replied. Never a good sign.

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?"

"No," mom replied. "This is something we should have told you a long time ago."

"You see, we can't actually have children of our own, so we adopted you when you were a baby," dad added.

"Why didn't you tell me? Did you ever meet my birth parents?"

"We didn't tell you because we just couldn't. We just didn't know how to say it," mom answered.

"And as for your birth parents," dad added. "We only met your mother. She was so devistated at having to give you up. That's one of the reasons we kept the name she gave you. Although she never did tell us her name."

"The only thing she left you was that necklace that you never take off," mom finished.

"I wonder who she was. Do you know of anyway I could find out?" I asked.

"I wish we knew," mom said. "We've been wanting to send her word of your achievements. Like every time you were on the honor role, and the school record you made on the swim team. We wanted her to know everything, but we couldn't track her down. Maybe you'll have better luck, but I doubt it."

I was superised by every word they said. The fact that I'm adopted was the biggest shock. I mean I guess I used to think I was when my cousin Joey would tease me saying I was, but I had stopped believing him when I was eight.

My biggest question was who my real mother was. My parents described her as a beautiful woman with long curly chocolate brown hair, and stormy grey eyes. To me it sounded like the description of the Greek goddess Athena. I always admired Athena, and secretly believed in the Greek gods and goddesses. Maybe it was her, and my father may have died or something. Who knows?

After our little talk, my parents and I went out to dinner before I went home to my dogs. I have two Yorkshire Terriers one male and one female. The male was named Tiny Little Teddy Bear, but I called him Teddy, and he had hair like everyone says Yorkies should have. The thick long dark hair. It was so pretty I hate having it cut every summer, but he gets too warm. Then there's Ellie. My friend April had two female Yorkies, but they fought if they were in the same room. the last straw was when her German Shepherd decided to step in and break up the fight a couple days ago. both females ended up needing some stitches, but they were otherwise fine. April gave Ellie to me since she always ran up to me when I visited, and she was rather attached to the other female. Ellie has light grey hair on her back with white down her legs, and her whole face is all white. Of course Ellie has to be one of the strange Yorkies who has short hair. I love both of my dogs and they seem to enjoy my company.

Anyways, when I got home, I was attacked by my two little fur balls. I picked Ellie up to check on her stitches, and they were fine, no one had scratched them off yet. Ellie whined when I tried to put her down, so I carried her into to kitchen with me. I set out fresh food and water for them and after they ate we went to bed.

The next day I went through my normal college schedule. Since it was Wednesday, I had English, and Advanced Architectural Art. Starting today though I also had my new job as a student assistant. I have my Architectural Art class every day, and that's the class I'm aiding for.

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