The Battle

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Sabia was locked in combat with Medusa. She was really good even though she was fighting with her shield as a way to view. Her Trident blocked every advance Medusa made. It scared me though because Sabia could look at any moment.

The fighting continued for hours, and I had to look away many times because Medusa would turn around. On the fifth time I turned, I saw Thomas. There was an arrow stuck through his stomach. He was rapidly loosing blood, but there was nothing I could do for him.

I looked back at Sabia's battle. Sabia was in serious danger. Medusa had her pinned down and Sabia had her eyes tightly shut, but her resolve was weakening. I took the chance and lept on Medusa's back. Medusa slithered away from Sabia, and we ended up next to Thomas. I sliced off Medusa's head, and lept off her back.

The blood of Medusa emptied itself from her body and covered Thomas. He was to Medusa's left, and for some reason I knew there was some significance to that, but I didn't remember.

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