19~ Dinner Preparations

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oops forgot to proof read


“Dinner?” Liam confirmed with the same tone of voice Harry had used when I proposed the idea. I nodded.

“I want you guys to meet her. She’s really great. Beautiful too.”

Okay Cara, calm down on the self-absorption.

“Okay, I’m free tonight just as long as the other boys go too,” he agreed. Niall and Zayn had already said yes, and Liam was the only remaining soul.

“They’ve all agreed to come already.”

“Great. Then I’ll be there.”

“Six o’clock,” I reminded him. He nodded, and I left to return to my own hotel room. It was already three o’clock, and I felt like this morning’s events didn’t even occur. We had to wake up at the crack of dawn for an interview, and it already seemed to have happened ages ago.

“Harry,” Jeff stopped me, gripping my arm as I was about to pass him. My door was such a short distance away. So close. “I’ve been hearing rumors that you have a girlfriend, and it would be great if you could just confirm that they are in fact rumors.”

I smiled. “Sorry, but I’d be lying. They’re not rumors. I have a lovely girlfriend named Cara Romero, and I’m meeting her tonight with the lads for dinner.”

“I haven’t heard that name before. Please tell me she has some kind of connections.”

“She does. To the fans. You know, the ones buying our merch and music. The ones you’re making money off of.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and took a deep breath.

“Harry, you can’t date a regular girl. It does nothing for your fame or for the band, and as soon as you two break up she’s going to spill everything to the press. She has nothing to lose, and you have everything. She’s only using you for money and fame. Please tell me you aren’t stupid enough to ignore that.”

I rolled my eyes. “She’s not like that.”

“Of course she is!”

“It’s my life,” I reminded him. “My life, my girlfriend, my decisions, reckless or not, and you can stay out of it.”

I pushed past him and slammed the door of my hotel room behind me.

***Harry’s Point of View***


“I’m meeting them at their hotel tonight for dinner,” I explained to Grace who was already questioning me about when she’ll meet my supposed boyfriend, the wonderful Harry Styles. Ha. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you coming along if you can be chill.”

“Be chill? How the hell are you so chill?! Last time I checked, you loved them just as much as me!”

“Yeah,” I chuckled, imagining Cara as a crazed fan. “I guess priorities change.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can’t tonight. I have some stupid family thing, and of course it has to be tonight! The night I have the chance to meet One Direction! I hate this, ugh.”

I smiled, sitting down beside her on my bed.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I assured her. “You’ll meet them another time.”

“Of course. We’re meeting them at the concert, remember? Meet and greet VIP tickets?”

“Right,” I said, smiling like I knew this. “I almost forgot.”

“I’m so excited. Just a few more days Cara!”

I laughed as she tried to contain her excitement. “It’s gonna be fun,” I agree. And I wasn’t even lying. Seeing my own concert from the crowd? Priceless. And I get to silently laugh at Cara trying to perform as well as myself.

“I really should get going before I wake up your mother with my fangirling. Really, thanks again for last night. I don’t know what I would do without you,” she said, smiling gratefully and rising to leave. I’d lent her some clothes from Cara’s dresser figuring Cara wouldn’t mind. Isn’t that what girls do? Lend each other clothes they probably won’t get back? I don’t know, but Cara can deal with it.

“Crash and burn, obviously,” I joked. She hugged me without warning and thanked me a million times more before leaving. As soon as she was gone, I went to check on Cara’s mother.

 The woman had been lying in bed, lifeless, ever since she lost her job. Only ever up for the occasional meal break.

I knocked, but she groaned in reply. I walked in anyway and found her lying on her bed, eyes open, awake, but motionless.

“Mom, this is ridiculous. Why have you been moping around like this?” I demanded. It felt weird demanding things from this woman who wasn’t my mother. Like I was the one who had to take care of her.

“That job was my life,” she muttered. “That job was all I had.”

That pissed me off, and for a moment I forgot what role I was supposed to be playing.

“All you had?” I raged. “How can you sit there and say that stupid job was all you had? You have a fucking daughter! Hello! A daughter who cares about you, a daughter who’s worried about you. Have you been drinking more?”

“Cara, of course not. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Is it really so ridiculous though? Because literally a few days ago, you were fucking wasted.”

“Who gave you the right to speak to your mother this way?”

“Well, if you want to be treated like a mother then maybe you should start acting like one. Get out of bed, take a shower, live your damn life, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. This job you had, it’s gone now. So you can either lay in bed for the rest of your life, or you can wake up and start looking for a new one.”

She looked speechless, staring at me like I was some creature overtaking her daughter. Clearly Cara never would’ve had the balls to make her mother realize a damn thing.

She didn’t say anything back, so I left to get ready for the dinner I was about to face.


literal shit chapter I just wrote up for you guys. Kind of a filler I guess, before the dinner (which should be grand so get excited). Thanks so much for reading! You guys are the best and ilysm<3 x

OH there's a trailer type thing on the side so y'all should watch it ^.^ I made it and I'm pretty proud coz I don't really make trailers so yeah

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