3~ Welcome To My Life

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“Well what the fuck does that mean,” he exclaims in outrage, tossing the note behind him as he flopped onto my bed.

“No cursing in my body. It’s not lady like.” He scowls in my direction.

“How long are we supposed to be stuck like this?” he asks.

“I don’t know. I guess until we fully understand how the other lives.”

“You’ll never understand my life. I don’t care if you’ve lived it for a day, a week, a year, whatever. You will never know everything.”

“Me? You think you’re the one with the complicated life? You do the same exact thing every single day. My life is so much different than yours. I doubt you’ll last one day in my body.”

“You’re right,” he says, sitting cross-legged. “I know nothing about you. That needs to change if we’re keeping this a secret.”

“I agree we can’t tell anyone. They’ll think we’re insane.”

“Then we need some kind of plan to make this work. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about my life, and you tell me everything I need to know about yours. We’ll learn to act like each other,” he suggests.

“Something tells me that’s easier said than done,” I mutter. “But we have to try.”

“Then let’s get started,” he says. “We might be here awhile.”

I sigh and take a seat on the edge of my bed while he pulls over the chair from my desk. We sit for a moment just looking at each other. I have to admit, strange is an understatement.  

“We’ll start with me,” he begins, clearing his throat. “Basically, Jeff is our manager. He’s controlling and vindictive. None of us like him and he’s the reason for every publicity stunt we’ve ever pulled. Don’t try to go against him because he will threaten to destroy us. Got it?” I nod. “Good. I’m closest with Louis, but I guess you knew that.” He glances at the large trash bag sitting on the floor. I roll my eyes. “I tell him everything. I plan on explaining this to him too, just so you’re aware. Maybe even the other lads. I haven’t decided on that yet though.  I’m also pretty close with Liam. Niall and Zayn are more fun to joke around with. We don’t share as much deep stuff.”

“Wow. And here I thought you all were BFFs,” I tease. He makes a face.

“I’m currently single so you won’t have to worry about that. But I am known for being a ladies man,” he says with a smirk.

“I’m not sleeping with anyone if that’s what you’re asking.”

“You might have to if you want this to be believable.”

“Bullshit. It’s not happening.”

“Well,” he says, thinking. “There is one way to get out of that.”


“We could pretend to date. That way they’ll let me on tour with you and the boys. I could help you with everything along the way without them knowing.”

“Um, hello? I have a life too. I can’t just suddenly leave on tour with One Direction,” I point out.

“Would you rather do this on your own?”

“No, but what will my friends think if one day I’m a regular person and the next I’m Harry Styles’ girlfriend?”

“We’re staying here for another week until our concert on Friday. I guess we could pretend to meet and just play out our love story from there. That way it won’t be as suspicious.”

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