23~ Lies Unfolded

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“I don’t think this is necessary,” he mumbled as we sat down in the fanciest restaurant New York City had to offer.

“This part is for show,” I reminded him. “Really, it all is, but according to Jeff this gives you romantic bonus points.”

“I don’t need romantic bonus points. Women already love me,” he boasted, smirking. I raised my eyebrows. “Kidding.”

“Sure you are.”

He rolled his eyes, and I smiled as I sipped my water.

The waiter came by and took our orders. He had a foreign accent and was dressed almost as nicely as I was. Harry sat across from me in that goddamn red dress that I still hated. He used the same excuse that I had nothing else in my closet, but I was irritated just the same. We couldn’t argue here though. Not with so many paps watching through the big window.

“So,” Harry said, gently swirling the water in his wine glass around. “What topic of conversation shall we discuss on this fine evening?”

“Nothing controversial. No fighting.”

“Fighting? Us? What an absurd thought.”

I laughed. “Not so farfetched.”

“There is something I’ve been wondering about,” he confessed, sitting back in his seat and watching me.

“Go ahead.”

“What do you think? I mean, you hated me when this all started, but now you’ve lived my life. To some degree, at least. Do you still feel the same? Or am I an acceptable human being at this point?”

“I don’t know,” I said honestly.

“You don’t know? For God’s sake Ca-….Harry…you can’t expect me to not have you explain that reply.”

“Well, I see why you’ve done some things. I get it now a bit. But I don’t get a lot of other things. I understand you being irritable every now and then. I understand you and the boys not having time to spend with the fans, but you’re living your dream every single day and I don’t understand what you have to complain about. Yes, it has been hard at times, and I’m sure you’ve been through a ton more shit over the years than I have in the last week, but it’s a good life. What you get to do every day should override any misfortune you come across. You’re right. You have stuff to complain about, but why complain?”

He nodded, contemplating my response.

“Well said,” he commented.

“Thank you.”

“So, you think you could live the rest of your life as me?” he assumed.

“Yeah, honestly, I probably could. Not without Louis’ help though, for the first few years at least.”


“What about you? What do you think of my simple and oh-so-easy lifestyle?” I teased.

“It’s no walk in the park, I’ll give you that,” he said.


“But, you still have all the simple luxuries that I don’t anymore. Even if they don’t seem like luxuries to you.”

“Yeah, because an alcoholic mother and an asshole ex boyfriend and a creepy neighbor are such luxury,” I scoffed.

“I’m serious. That stuff sucks, I know, and none of it’s your fault. It’s not your fault that Dean was a prick, it’s not your fault your mother lost her job, it’s not your fault that you get harassed by your neighbor, but you need to look on the bright side. You’re hella smart. You’re going to freaking NYU in the fall, and you’re an amazing writer. Literally, no bullshit here, I think you have talent.”

He smiled at me, but I backtracked.

“Wait…what did you say?” I asked, hoping I had heard him wrong.


“Did you say my mom…lost her job?”

His confusion dissipated and I watched as it turned to a look of regret. I could practically see him thinking, Oh shit, in his mind.

“Cara…” he started. “I…I wanted to find out why before I told you.”

“What the hell do you mean? You might be living my life, but it’s not yours to live. It’s mine, and I deserve to know every fucking thing that goes on in it, especially something like that,” I said, my voice hushed but angry. “You understand me?”

“Yes, I do, and Cara I am so sincerely sorry. I swear, I was going to tell you. It happened the night she got drunk, and I think it might be the reason she picked up the wine in the first place. I didn’t want you to worry, and it slipped my mind when I talked to you that night…”

“Stop,” I snapped. “Stop with the excuses. There is no valid excuse for this, Harry. You kept it from me. You had so many chances to tell me.”

“I know,” he said, the regret still not leaving. I knew he was sorry, but I was too upset. Not just with him, but with the situation in general. How would we survive? How would we afford food or a place to live?

“I’m so fucked.”

“No, okay. Everything is going to be fine. I promise.”

“It’s not your place to promise that, Harry.”

He looked so apologetic. I almost felt bad for him.

“You got into college,” he said, his voice small as he tried to make me feel better. “A really good college.”

“Yeah. Great. Something else you kept from me.”

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I needed to relax, and I couldn’t let the paparazzi see me and Harry getting tense. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Jeff’s bitching.

I just wanted this all to be over.

When I returned to the table, Harry was waiting for me. The waiter returned with the check, and I asked Harry what he was doing.

"Fuck this," he told me. "Fuck Jeff and his publicity set up. Do you really want to sit here and eat small portions of unreasonably expensive food or would you like to go do something fun?"

"Harry...I just..."

"Please," he said, his eyes begging. "Let me make tonight up to you."

"You don't need to make anything up to me. This is all for show, remember?"

"I know," he said, smiling. "I want to."

I sighed, and he grabbed my hand.

"Lead the way."


I kind of just wrote this but idk how I feel about it because it seems a little repetitive of chapter 22. Oh well. I hope you guys like it anyway :) idek when my last update was but it feels like a long time and i like writing so thanks for reading and ilysm<3 x

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