1~ Destruction

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“Thanks for driving me home,” I say to Grace as she pulls up to my house.

“No problem. Don’t forget that we have to go shopping tomorrow to get outfits for the concert. I’m not seeing One Direction looking like this,” she reminds me. I force a smile.

“I know. See you then.” I was about to get out.

“Cara,” she stops me. “You better not forget like last time.”

“I promise I won’t,” I assure her, getting out of the car and walking up to my front door. Once inside my house, I released a long sigh.

Look, don’t get me wrong. I’ve loved One Direction for a long time. I haven’t necessarily been there from the X Factor days, but I’ve seen all the videos. I’m sort of hardcore when it comes to fangirling. Or at least I was. I’m just not really as much of a directioner as I used to be.

It’s no question why. They’ve let fame consume them. They’re not the boys on the stairs anymore. I know I know, everyone changes. But no matter how famous they become, their fans should always be their number one priority. For some reason, that’s just not the vibe I’m getting nowadays.

I haven’t completely given up hope. I still like to pretend that they care, but in reality I know that they don’t. I’ve heard stories of other celebrities coming out to greet fans after concerts and things like that. Never in a million years would One Direction think to do that. I’ve heard of them being rude at meet and greets, and I’ve even seen videos of it. Maybe they have some excuse for it, but it shouldn’t matter. The fans are what got them where they are now. Bottom line.

I drag myself up to my room and shut the door behind me. My mom probably isn’t home yet. I didn’t think to look. I pull out my phone to check my Twitter before bed.

What a huge mistake.  

The entire fandom was in a state of corruption. Everyone was tweeting about the same thing, and I was lost. My feed was blowing up.

‘Everyone just calm down. I’m sure there’s a reason for this.’


‘I can’t believe the boys were so rude!’


‘They probably have a busy schedule so stop tweeting all this hate about them and just get over it’


‘Imagine being those poor girls…’


Many were defending the boys, making excuses for them as always. Others were tweeting links about the subject. I clicked one that led to a video. It was made by a few fans. The girl holding the camera was clearly excited as she walked next to the boys. They weren’t in a very public place. My guess is that they were the only ones who saw them.

“Hi! Can we get a picture?!” one girl asked. The boys glanced at her, but kept walking.

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